14 : Movies

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(shorter chapter!)

I composed myself, I need to stop getting distracted by how he looks and acts.

I let out an airy chuckle as I crossed my legs too, sighing. "Fine... You can pay. I'll make sure you somehow regret that option though!" I smirked at him as he laughed, turning to look at me. "I don't know how you'd spend that much money at just a movie theatre... Unless you're planning to go somewhere else after." He said, now turning to look forward, leaning his head back to rest against the seat as he crossed his arms as well.

I grinned, "I didn't say that...but if that's what you're offering then I'm looking forward to it." He looked at me with a playful smile and raised eyebrows, sort of surprised. "I'll take that challenge of you making me regret it then!" He said, as he turned to look outside, "We're almost there, hope the movie doesn't scare you to death~" He teased, as he turned to look back at me with a smug grin.

I chuckled, "It depends on how scary it is... Far shot though." I said, mimicking his expression and he laughed. We chatted a bit more before we finally arrived and made our way in, we got lots of stares, mainly for the car... is what I thought. But the stares continued as we walked together as well, there were a couple comments I noticed.

They were mainly all stating this.

"They look so good together."

A smile spread across my lips as I turned to look at him, he was looking straight ahead, and then turned to look back down at me. "I'm pretty hot, right?" He said, teasing as he leaned closer in, "I'd say you're lucky to see me this close..." He pulled back as he continued to look at me with those blue eyes of his, smirking as I once again felt the heat rise up my cheeks. However, it wasn't super noticeable due to my makeup blocking off some of it. I rolled my eyes, playing it off as he chuckled and we then showed our ticket to the staff, then went to buy snacks. We got the popcorn, and on our way to the theatre, I had the sudden urge to use the bathroom. 

"Ah.. Satoru, sorry, I gotta use the bathroom...." I tilted my head towards the direction of the bathroom, looking back at him, feeling bad for having to make him wait. "Can you stay here and hold this?" He smiled and nodded, "No problem." I handed him my drink, we were sharing a large bag of popcorn, and he was already holding that, plus his own drink. Luckily there was a small table nearby where he could put all of our things as he waited.

I rushed over to the bathroom, trying to get my stuff done with quick. Used the toilet, washed my hands, touched up on my hair and anything else out of place or anything looking bad, and was out. Didn't take long! Max 5 minutes I'd say.

I was walking back to Satoru, my stomach had butterflies. It felt like a date, he acted like it was a date, all that was missing was I guess the romance that you clearly display at a normal date, like kisses and holding hands, and obviously, the official label was missing too.

However, I was satisfied with this too. I liked it. It felt like the next time we did hang out, it would be a real date.

I now had Satoru in my sight, but... beside him was another girl. Who's that? She seems clearly smitten with him by the way she's looking at him. She had wavy light brown hair with blonde highlights and dark colored eyes. I was to the side of them both, out of sight of each. I wanted to go to him, but I also wanted to know just who she was. I stood there, unable to move my feet, like a deer caught in the headlights. I should just go closer, but I can't bring myself to. I don't know why.

"Satoru, why've you been ignoring my calls?" The girl said, raising up her phone and waving it in the air, and he sighed, looking at her with an unreadable expression. 

"Sorry, I was busy." He said, I'd say in an annoyed tone, you could think of it as annoyed at the fact that he was busy, or annoyed at her. I wanted to go for the latter.

"It's okay, babe~! So, I was thinking, for our next date..." She continued speaking, but I didn't care about the rest. I was fixated on two things, "babe" and "our next date."

I stood there, widened eyes, I felt my heart beat growing louder as it pounded in my ears, the beat rapid and strong. My breathing only grew deeper as I tried to calm myself. I don't know what I feel right now, it's a mix of everything.

I turned around, rushing to the bathroom quietly, hoping he didn't catch me. If I heard my name from behind, then he did see me.

Nothing, no call for me. I only continued to hear her annoying fucking voice blabber on about their next date.

I went in the stall, taking out my makeup mirror to look at myself. My mind was a swirl of emotions and I just couldn't pinpoint what I felt at this moment. There's definitely sadness, but a greater surge of emotions was overcoming that. I looked at myself, to see a face that was looking like it was angry as my face tensed up.

It was obvious.

Angry at Satoru? At the girl? I don't know... a part of me is angry at Satoru, but I feel like it's mostly at the girl.

This was why Shoko was worried... He surely has some explanation, right?


Or, he doesn't have to have an explanation.

This isn't a date. Wake up.

It's just two friends hanging out.

I've just been delusional.

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