24 : An Awful Guy

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All your friends congratulated the two of you, and then went to the general meeting area. A warm lit room with giant chandeliers greeted you all, gold and silver linings, many seats. It was beautiful.

(I genuinely hate writing the description for buildings so here's how it practically looks like! However, the outside sections are a bit more curved in, and imagine there are tables which has seats around them in the area closer to the stage, so the floor doesn't slope as much, it's like giant stairs, with there being tables and stairs on each "stair" level, and imagine the ends of that level having a fence (except of where the actual stairs are))

Here are 3 reference pics:

(I genuinely hate writing the description for buildings so here's how it practically looks like! However, the outside sections are a bit more curved in, and imagine there are tables which has seats around them in the area closer to the stage, so t...

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"Woah... They picked an even better place than last time." You spoke, Satoru nodded. Haibara was excited, it was his and Nanami's first year being in a place like this.

You had been here before because your family has high status.

You and the rest of your friends, and boyfriend, made your way down the stairs. You all had to split eventually, Geto, Shoko, Haibara, and Nanami could stay together, but you and Satoru had to go to your own family's tables. But, due to relations between the Gojo and Fujiwara clan, your tables were close, and you both sat at the ends of the table, smiling at each other.

The presenter tapped the mic, "Hello everyone." It was a higherup, they always spoke at the events. The higherups, the leader of each major clan, and the principal of the school would usually speak.

He began speaking, the usual, how everything's going well, everyone is abiding laws, that cursed spirits are under control and monitored. It was getting boring how you could now tell what he'd say next,

"Next thing, could the Principal of Jujutsu High please come up?" Everyone started clapping, and the principal came up.

"Hello everybody... I hope everyone's doing well, especially my students who are here.." His eyes met with yours and Satoru's, as you two were easier to find. He smiled, then looked at everybody else. "This might come as a surprise to you all... but I'm getting old." He chuckled and everybody else laughed, he was a lively principal. 

"So, I must leave this position sooner or later... as it is getting tough to stay in it. Retirement calls, you see..." He chuckled again. "So, I'm proud to announce that Jujutsu High's Tokyo location's new principal will be... Yaga Masamichi, the current teacher for the second years!" Everyone started clapping as he walked up to the stage.

He had a suit on and looked very ready for the occasion, it was clear he was extremely excited for this role. "Thank you everybody..." He thanked the principal, the audience, etc. It was the most exciting part of that day, except of looking at the infrastructure.

However, what was even more exciting was catching glances at Satoru. Sometimes, you'd catch each other looking and would quickly look away. It was cute, and it made your heart beat fast.

From behind you both...

Haibara and Nanami paid attention to the ceremony, while Shoko and Suguru looked at the two of you. Suguru was taken aback by how lovey dovey Satoru was. 

"The hell..." 

"Jealous you don't have someone?" Shoko teased, "Huh!? No!" He said, she laughed and they talked, Shoko teasing him more and more.

An hour and a half later, the ceremony was still going on. You excused yourself, saying you had to go to the bathroom, tired of the endless talking. Soon after, Satoru followed, and then everybody else.

"Huh? You guys came too?" You laughed and they did too, "It was so boringg," Shoko said, and Haibara spoke, "It was not as boring for me because... it's my first time, yknow!" You all nodded, and thought about walking outside.

"Wasn't it raining?" Shoko said, and Suguru nodded, "Maybe it isn't anymore..." 

You all went outside, all in beautiful clothes that you wouldn't wanna risk ruining.

But you already did risk it for him, and that was probably, definitely, the best risk you've taken.

The rain had ended, it was just light, like a mist. You put on the same coat again, and Shoko put one on as well, and you all left outside to walk.

The air was cool, the smell was nice, it was sort of dark, but the street lights illuminated the way. You called your parents, letting them know you were walking with the rest for a bit, and they understood and let you go. Hell, even they wanted to leave, but as more senior members, they couldn't.

Satoru did the same, and now you were all walking outside, a full moon. 

It was perfect. Your friends were all laughing and walking, and Satoru held your hand as you two also walked with them. 

You all walked and walked, for so long, yet it only felt like a few minutes.

This was amazing. Shoko smiling and laughing, Haibara excitedly speaking, Nanami smiling, Suguru smiling, and you two smiling.

You walked by a building with the music blasting, (I KNOW THIS SONG IS NOT RELEASED THEN! BUT PRETEND IT IS!!)

It was Les, by Childish Gambino, and you all heard the song at the best part. 

(upcoming part at 3:43! (it's not as clear bc, yk, vibes that it's coming from a building and you all are outside))

"Ooh girl, I wanna know... are you ready to cry? Cause I'm no good, no good.."

Satoru looked at you, smirking, "Are you ready to cry?" You chuckled.

"Ooh girl, I wanna try, I'm an awful guy, and I'm always away."

"I am."

"And I'm trying to say... I'm a piece of shit. Believe in this. I'm telling you, cause we barely knew, what we had." 

"But, I don't think you're an awful guy... are you?"

He chuckled, smiling.

"I'm not that bad... The fun we had, oh, oh."

"Even if I am, for you I'll be the best guy to ever exist." He smiled at you, and you blushed, looking down as you two walked further away from the building, the song fading away.

"Baby, you're the baddest, baby ,you're the baddest girl..."

He held your hand tightly, yet gently, as you two walked along the rest of your friends, who were talking and laughing.

"Nobody else matters, nobody else matters girl.."

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