115: I Know it All

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Satoru quickly picked you up, his breathing heavy as he carried you over to your bedroom. He threw you on the bed, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as you let out a small yelp.

"You're so adorable." He whispered in a low growl, climbing on the bed, his lips immediately latching onto the skin of your neck. His hands wandered down, tracing each and every contour of your body that he could reach without pulling away from kiss. He pulled you up with his arms, unzipping your dress as he moved his lips, gently nibbling on your neck and then ear.

You gasped as he did so, wrapping your arms around his neck for support as he pulled you up. "Mmh, I was a little quick, no? Get up, let me take this dress off of you." He spoke in a low voice, you nodded, eager. I mean, how could you say no? You would usually not give in this easily, you'd tease him a little, but this time... that wasn't happening. No, you were going to follow every single thing he'd tell you to do.

He hummed, a smirk playing on his lips as he saw how quickly you listened to him. He moved quick, taking every single piece of clothing on you off. He groaned, looking at your body. "I never get used to how good you look." He whispered as he laid you back down, standing again to take off his clothes next, leaving his boxers on.

"It's like a surprise each time." He'd grin, chuckling as he now climbed back on top of you. He let out a low hum as his hands found your waist, holding on to it as he trailed kisses down from your lips to your chest, smirking as he looked at you. His hands moved, kneading one breast as he used his tongue on the other, gently nibbling it, moving his tongue in slow circles.

"'Toru.." You hummed softly, a bare whisper.

"Mmm?" You could feel his grin against your skin as he now switched sides, now kneading the one he was using his mouth on, and using his mouth on the other. "You like it?" He whispered after a few moments, pulling back to see your scrunched eyebrows, pleasure evident on your face.

"I know everything there is to know about your body, more than you do..." He chuckled, moving to kiss your neck again as his hands wandered once more. "I know every inch of you, every button to press, every soft spot to touch. I know what makes you shiver, what makes you gasp, what makes you scream... It's burned into my memory, baby."

You let out a soft exhale, he knew how to rile you up with just his words. 

He smirked, moving down slowly to your legs now. His fingers tracing circles on your inner thigh, knowing you were sensitive there. "You're a good girl, aren't you? You're going to do everything I say, won't you?"

Your cheeks flushed a red as you nodded slowly.

"Good girl..." He growled, now moving his fingers to tease the skin around your sensitive flesh. "Look at me and tell me what you want me to do." You groaned, embarrassed. "Come on, now. I'm not doing anything until you tell me." You tilted your head, looking at him. He was positioned right in front of your legs, his hands teasing you as they slowly moved, occasionally grazing the flesh.

"I want you to..." You paused, pouting as you looked at him. You hated how he was taking advantage of how willing you were to follow what he said, but secretly loved it. You felt like such a slut, but... at least you were only his slut. Only he saw this side of you. And you only saw this side of him.

"I want you to make me feel good." 

He hummed, grinning at you. "How?"

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