11 : Poison

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Y/N observed the curse before it started speaking. "That was my more inferior form."

So it's intelligent enough to be able to speak...

"Your aura is strong...you easily killed my little minions here..." It spoke, in a low, deep voice, as its eyes looked at the snow. "My name is...Jikininki..."

(A/N: Jikininki are human-eating ghosts in Japanese Buddhism.)

It closed its eyes for a brief moment, before slowly opening them, one by one.

"This is not where I usually reside... I've only come here for a brief moment."

Y/N tensed up, exhaling as she examined the curse.


Ijichi heard the name from outside, and he quickly opened up his phone, calling the assistant director for information. "S-Sir, there's a special grade cursed spirit here," he spoke in a quiet voice, "It says its name is Jikininki...do we have it registered..?"

The assistant director spoke, "Hold on, let me check."

Ijichi nodded, "Okay..." 


Y/N exhaled as she went back to her fighting stance, this time a bit different, ready to move at any moment. The curse spoke, "Let's begin...Shall we?"

Out of the curse's chest came out a scythe, it was black with gold markings all over it, and on the scythe's blade was written something...which Y/N couldn't see because it was too small and too far away.

It stomped the ground, and a large quake was felt, the ground rupturing and breaking apart, making the footing uneven, and harder to balance on. Where Jikininki had stomped, a green fluid leaked out through, a green the same colour as his body. It spun its scythe, dipping the blade in the fluid, which was somewhat sticky. The fluid coated the blade, and the blade started to glow a little. Drips of the fluid fell on the ground, and where drops had fallen, the soil burned a little.

'A chemical reaction between the soil and that green liquid causes the soil to burn and erode... I need to be careful, any contact with my skin and it'll most likely burn me. I also need to see just how strong it is... Be careful to not spend too much cursed energy.'

Y/N adjusted her footing before she cupped her hands.

'Cryogenic Cursed Technique: Frostbite Pulse'

Y/N's cupped hands became a focal point for her cryogenic energy. As she opened her hands, a wave of intense cold winds, sharp snowflakes and ice shards, all containing cryogenic cursed energy, radiated in all directions. Y/N was resistant to her moves because her cryogenic cursed energy had a cancelling effect on other cryogenic (or ice/snow) cursed energies.

Jikininki held up its scythe, deflecting some of the projectiles, but it wasn't enough. The winds, snowflakes and ice shards reached its body, and for a brief moment, it felt normal...

Then suddenly, a pulse of frigid energy surged through its body, inflicting frostbite-like injuries and pain on its body, and started draining its cursed energy. Her moves which drained cursed energy transferred some of the cursed energy to Y/N, permanently, increasing her reserves of cursed energy. However, the only times these moves are beneficial is when fighting special grades, as it's only a fraction of the cursed energy that the curse has.

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