13 : Movie Prep

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(A/N: I'm going to try and write differently for this chapter (and maybe the ones after too) First-person!)

I was in my dorm, rushing around and trying to find the proper clothes to wear for my movie date with Satoru. I don't know if he views it as a date... It's not official, he didn't really ask me out, just... asked to go to the movies. But that's okay, I'm happy. We can always make progress!

I was discharged earlier today and was given a day off by my teacher. Her intent was for me to rest, and limit my movement, but right now I'm doing the exact opposite as I frantically rummage through my closet and drawers, putting outfits together.

By the end, I had a few outfits which laid on top of my bed. I put on each, eliminating a few, and was now down to two. Unable to make my mind, I called Shoko, she can help me!

"Hey, Shoko!"

"Hey Y/N, what's up?" 

Shoko said, I could hear a TV playing in the background, I was praying she was at her dorm, and not out at someone else's house.

"So, um... did Satoru tell you about us going to the movies today?" I asked, slightly nervous as to how she'd react. I heard her laugh through the phone before she spoke again.

"Yup, he seemed very excited... Is this like a date?" She asked, intrigued, I could practically hear her smirk.

"N-No... It's just something casual, I'm sure..." I spoke, looking at my two outfits as I heard her scoff.

"Y/N, you have a very obvious crush on him. Don't worry, you can trust me." She spoke, chuckling, and I gave in.

"YEAH, OKAY FINEE... I want it to be a date but I'm not sure if it is. But anyways... I wanna look pretty enough that he considers officially asking me out." I said with a smile at the end, as I now moved my phone to my other hand, and she chuckled again. 

"I'm guessing you called for my help?"


"I'll be there!" She hung up the phone and I let out a sigh of relief, glad to have a friend like Shoko by my side.

A few minutes later, she arrived, and I hurried her in and she cringed at my small room, to which I rolled my eyes, reminding her that she once also had this. She looked at my outfits, and made me put each outfit on. 

I went inside my bathroom to put on the first one, then came out. She circled her fingers in the air, "Do a little spin." She said, grinning, to which I rolled my eyes at once more, smiling before I did a little spin, showing her each part of the outfit. Same process repeated for my second outfit. 

"This one." She pointed at the first one, it was a red silk shirt with a V-neck which stopped around an inch and a half down from my collarbones, and from there had buttons ending at the waist. It had a tighter area at the waist, almost like a sash, the edges of the area had embroidery while the rest was plain. It complimented my body well. The shirt then flared out like a skirt from under that area, and the shirt ended around 2-3 inches below my hips. The sleeves were loose, and puffed out just slightly at the end near the wrist. 


Under that, I wore blue jeans/black tights, and to complete the look I put on some gold/silver/rose gold jewelry. I did my makeup and hair, and then found a black purse which I had, putting in some of the makeup I might need as an emergency, lip gloss, pads, etc. I sprayed on a rose fine fragrance mist, and smiled at my now completed look. 

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