36 : Yuki Tsukumo

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You were sitting on a bench with Satoru beside you, he was eating a mochi he had bought from a store nearby. It was the last day of school, no missions for today, you two were relaxing.

Satoru looked at you, "Are you sure you don't want some?"

"I'm full, 'Toru, don't worry.." You said as you were looking at your phone, looking at some pictures you had taken. You were a bit exhausted, but relieved.

You yawned, when you started hearing a bike. You looked at the direction the sound was coming from. A tall woman got off the bike, taking off her helmet. She had long blonde hair, and started walking in your direction.

Satoru got up, recognizing her. "Ms. Tsukumo!" He said, waving.

'Tsukumo... As in special-grade sorcerer ...Tsukumo Yuki?'

She waved, "Hello, Gojo!" She smiled as she got closer, looking at you now.

"And who might you be?" She asked, interested.

"I'm Fujiwara Y/N!" You said, excited to meet her as you stood up. "I'm a first-year and-"

"Ahhh, you're the heiress to the Fujiwara clan, aren't you?" She said, smiling widely. "Special-grade as well, right?"

You nodded, astonished she knew so much.

"Fujiwara, what type of man is your type?" She asked, winking at you.

You were caught off guard, you looked at Satoru, chuckling. Looking back at her, you decided to tease Satoru. "Oh... a man with dark hair... dark eyes... short... preferably isn't someone with cursed techniques, and if he has one, I hope he's weak so I can discourage him from becoming a sorcerer!"

She laughed, "So, the complete opposite of Gojo Satoru?"

Satoru interrupted, "She's joking, Ms. Tsukumo!" He said, "At least I hope so...  I'm her type! We're dating, after all."

Yuki raised her eyebrow, smiling widely, "Really? So you were messing with me, Fujiwara!" She chuckled, pausing for a moment, before speaking. "A Gojo and Fujiwara together is interesting..." She laughed again, then properly introduced herself.

"I'm special-grade sorcerer, Tsukumo Yuki. Fujiwara... Can I call you Y/N instead?" 

You smiled, nodding, and she smiled. You three continued talking, sharing things about yourself for a good 20 minutes. Then, she spoke to you, "I can help train you, if you'd like. I've taken a liking to you!" She said, and you were ecstatic. "I'd love that! Thank you, Ms. Tsukumo!" You said, practically jumping up and down. Satoru stood there, like a third-wheel in the conversation.

She smiled, you two exchanged contact information, and she told you she'd visit again later, both to talk to Suguru, and then also to train you. You both waved her goodbye as she got on her bike and rode away.

(if u guys dont like yuki... 🙄 I am such a big yuki fan) 

You looked at Satoru, gleaming. He snickered, "You're that excited?" He said as he kissed your cheek, you nodded and he chuckled.

"I could've trained you too, you know. If you're that excited to be trained by Ms. Tsukumo, imagine how excited you would be to get trained by ME!" He said, boasting proudly, clearly proud of his strength. You pushed him gently, laughing, "Suree!" He held your hand as you two sat back down on the bench, chuckling. He looked at you, before kissing you again.

"Satoru... we're in public...you shouldn't-" He kissed you again.

You couldn't help but laugh at the sudden kiss, "Oh my god, Satoru!" You said, smiling, "Don't do that when literally anybody could see!" He smirked, "I mean, I don't care if they see... They'll know you're my girlfriend then." 

"I'm pretty sure you've made that clear to everybody already..."


A few days had passed, Yuki had invited you over to a training dojo which she had. There, she worked on your actual physical fighting. She helped you improve form, techniques, etc., and only then did she start analyzing your technique.

You were a quick learner, and she was impressed. A few hours had passed, and you were done with your first training session with her.

You two were sat outside, drinking lemon water to refresh you both.

(OKAY, what I mean is this area, to help you visualize)

(OKAY, what I mean is this area, to help you visualize)

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Yuki continued looking ahead, "Your break is... tomorrow, yeah? It starts tomorrow, today was your last day, right?" She asked you, taking a sip. You nodded, "Yup, going into second year now.."

She smiled, looking down at the ground, then at you.

"How are things with Gojo?" She asked you, a smile on her face.

"Oh, everything's good!" You responded, smiling widely.

She laughed, "You really perked up when Gojo was mentioned, you two must really like each other.." She got up, stretching. "I'm happy for you, Y/N."

"The life of a sorcerer isn't very happy usually, you know. So, I'm glad that you two are."

"I pray that you two..." She paused, a softer smile on her face now.

"That you two stay this happy."


You said your goodbyes, and were now walking back to your dorm, not that far away.

You replayed the memories of this week in your head, specifically of today.

"I pray that you two... That you two stay this happy."

You replayed that one over and over again.



Why were you... feeling so off...?

So weird?


impending doom: a sense that something tragic or life threatening is about to happen

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