30 : Glimpse of a Beautiful View

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(Long chapter guys!)

TW for those who need it: Blood, blades, murder

Word Count: 1963

It was the day after, and you visited your family.

You stepped inside the mansion, maids and butlers greeted you as you walked down the hall, and to your father's office. You knocked and opened the door, you saw him writing in his notebook. He looked up, "Oh, hey Y/N... Don't you have school right now?"

"Nope... Not today." You chuckled as you stepped inside and looked around. One wall, the one closest to his desk, had many picture frames. You as a baby. Your siblings as babies.. Your entire family.

Your mother.

One of her best, if not, the best picture of her. She had a pleasant smile and her eyes shined under the sunlight. You smiled, then continued talking with your dad. You talked about school, your missions, about the Star Plasma Vessel, everything. You then went to visit your siblings, talked with them as well. They were younger than you, so they were asking all about Jujutsu High and how life was there.

(if u have older (or no) siblings, idk pretend u have some younger siblings asking)

You then went to your mother, who lay in her bed with machines surrounding her. Her heart beat, stable. Breathing, normal. Everything was fine... but... she was still in that coma.

You had told Satoru only the coma part but... You didn't know if you were ready to talk about the entire thing.

You see... your mother didn't go into a coma due to some health issue... rather, she was in a coma because of someone else.

You held her hand, as your mind replayed the memory like a film...


It was the day after your cousin's wedding had taken place. You were in casual clothes as you were just sitting with your mom after she called you to sit with her.

"Y/N," she had just finished the tea she was sipping, "I'm going to go take a nap, alright?" She said as she got up, and you nodded.

"Okayy!" You said, smiling at her, she smiled back and left. You got up, and as you were about to head outside, you heard a voice.

"Y/N!" It was Ryota, your cousin. 

(Ahem ahem, one of the first few chapters, rememberrr?😭)

He smiled at you, "I'm going out too, wanna go together? I saw this really nice spot, there's a nice river and cherry blossom trees, looks really pretty." You nodded, eager to see the area he just described. He smiled wider, "Great, come with me."

You both put on your shoes, and left. You followed him, it was an unusual path which you didn't take many times before, but you trusted him. 

He smiled, starting to walk. It was a sunny day, good weather, not too hot and not too cold. You were happy, you then said something to him. "Hey, by the way, I've learned t-" He interrupted you, "Yeah, uh... Tell me like... 5 minutes from now. Okay? Let's get there first..." He said, smiling at you, but something about that smile was off.

But you ignored it, and maybe that was your biggest mistake.

You arrived, but not at the beautiful spot which he told you about. It was a rather dull area. Nobody in sight for miles, the word "desolate" couldn't begin to describe this area. It was more depressing than beautiful, even the grass beneath your feet looked dead, you were confused. "Huh..? Is this like a pit stop or something?" You chuckled, and he turned, "I don't want to block your view for the place, so walk in front of me, straight ahead... Soon, you'll see it." He smiled warmly, and gestured you to go ahead.

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