38 : Support System

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(longer chapter cause i made u all wait a lot and then gave you a short chapter soo 😚😚😘😘)

Haibara was gone.

Suguru had turned evil.

And this had broken Satoru... He felt helpless, to be the strongest... but not to be able to save those he loved. A curse which he would never break free from.

He sat there, on the stairs, talking to Yaga as you watched them from afar. Observing his behavior, how he was slumped, how his eyes didn't bother to look up from the ground. And when they did, how they saw nothing to bring him any happiness.

Even though you were very close to Suguru, your bigger loss personally was Haibara. You hung out with him more, you just knew him better. 

And for Satoru, it was the opposite.

Don't get me wrong, you were really close to Suguru, hung out with him a lot, deeply cared about him. You'd go to great lengths for him, and Satoru would do the same for Haibara.

You both acknowledged and deeply cared for the other loss, but... There was one person who you each knew more. It was evident.

What broke you? Haibara.

What broke Satoru? Suguru.

You didn't know what to focus on, the loss of Haibara or the loss of Suguru. That pearl bracelet still loosely held on to your wrist, a reminder of Haibara. A way of acknowledging your late friend. No, best friend.

One of your best friends.

You sighed, leaning against the wall beside you as you watched them. You let the two talk, before Yaga left eventually. That was queue for you to now go to Satoru, to be there for him just like how he was there for you.

He heard footsteps behind him, and by his Six Eyes, he knew you were there. You sat beside him, rubbing his back. "Satoru..." You gently spoke, unsure of what to say next, but what you knew was that your duty was to be there.

He looked up, more than he did with Yaga next to him, and he softly responded to your call for him, "Baby..." His eyes were dim, as if his soul had left him, but he still cared enough to call you a pet name. 

"How are you..?" You asked, turning your body to face him. He sighed, shaking his head as he looked down. "I'm... I'll be fine-"

"No, don't say that."

He turned to look at you, his eyes filled with slightly more life, not much, but it was like a spark.

"You always... put this pressure on yourself. You say that as the strongest, you have to do this and that and it's just... It's too much on you. The last thing you should be doing... Satoru... is keeping all of your emotions bottled up." You said, looking deep in his eyes as you ran your hands through his hair, brushing it back. 

He stared at you for a moment, his eyebrows raised, and then he looked down.

You stared at him for a bit, unsure what to do, before you noticed tear drops falling on the concrete.

"Oh, 'Toru..." You said quietly, going closer to him as you hugged him. This was the first time he had cried in front of you, in all the time you had known him, this was the first time.

His body shook as he sobbed quietly, letting out his emotions. Emotions he'd been keeping bottled up since Suguru... no, since childhood. You softly ran your hands through his hair, kissing his cheek. "I'm right here... 'Toru. I'll always be right here..." You mumbled in his shoulder as you hugged each other.

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