18 : Naoya Zenin

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You turned to look at Naoya, your eyes slightly widened from shock as you didn't expect him to be the one touching your shoulder.

"Naoya?" You spoke, as he looked at you. He gave you a smirk as he spoke, "Hello, Y/N." He said, as he moved in front of you. "You just came?" He said, eyeing you up and down, loving how you looked.

Naoya was nicer to you than he was to other women, why? A variety of reasons.

He's interested in you, he likes your looks, he likes your personality, he also admires your strength, rare for him to do for a woman.

You were an extreme exception in his case, for him, a woman almost equal to a man. Or maybe even equal. Due to his inferiority complex, he liked to believe that men were superior, in order to make himself feel better. But he just couldn't do that with you.

You were what he wanted. Did you know this? No. 

Did his parents know? 

They knew very well. 

You spoke, "Yeah, I did." You looked back at Satoru, which Naoya noticed and frowned before he spoke, his smirk appearing again. "How's Jujutsu High? I heard you enrolled into it." You looked back at him and smiled, "It's fun! It's nice being around people your age that aren't just family." For you, it was like a second family though.

Naoya smiled at you, "That's great, I would go too but my training from my own clan is good so..." He diverted his eyes, looking at where drinks were served. He looked back at you, then quickly behind you, then back at you again. "Come, let's get something to drink, I'm thirsty." He said, as he held his hand out for you to hold.

You felt as if it would be rude to reject him that bluntly, plus, it was just him guiding you to the drinks and making sure you two don't get lost in the crowd, right? So, you nodded and took his hand. (There wasn't even that big of a crowd which you could get lost in).

However, timing could not be any less on your side, and Satoru had just started leaving his conversation as he saw you. As he approached, he saw that you held Naoya's hand as you two walked away.

Naoya was sneaky, and he made sure that Satoru saw how you held his hand.

The Gojo and Zenin clans were now even fighting over a girl. They really did not get along.

Satoru was confused as he saw you move away, what just happened? Why were you holding someone else's hand, and of a Zenin out of everyone? He bit the inside of his cheek as he became jealous, angry even. What happened to how you two were? Did you not care?

But then a voice of reason came into his mind, Naoya was manipulative for sure, and this hand holding might be nothing. Satoru knew that if it came to a fight between them, Naoya would scurry away like a rat. He was nothing compared to Satoru.

His pride slowly came back as he reassured himself that it was nothing, he just decided to watch you two for a bit. He quietly watched from a spot where he blended in. 

Meanwhile, you just got a mocktail, no alcohol or anything. You sipped on it when Naoya got himself a glass filled with sake. He glanced at you as you two sipped on your drinks in silence, then he turned his body to look at you. "Well, Y/N. I must say, you look pretty good in that dress." He said and you smiled, "Thank you. Your suit looks nice too." He smiled as he rested his elbow on the counter, resting his face on his hand. "Thanks.." He ordered another glass of sake, and then slid it to you. "Go on, try it Y/N." He said as he smiled, "Their sake is actually pretty good."

You were hesitant, as you didn't drink much, and weren't planning to any time soon. "No no, I'm okay..." You shook your head and he teased, "What? Can one of the strongest sorcerers of today not drink?" You chuckled as you gave in and sighed, taking a sip, it burned your throat as you had taken a larger sip than intended. "Ahhh," You said as you fanned your neck, as if it would help, before taking a sip of the mocktail to help ease your throat.

Naoya laughed and you chuckled, meanwhile Satoru watched from afar, annoyed. You shared a drink with Naoya now too? That made his blood boil, and he knew he had to, more like wanted to, cut this interaction between the two of you short.

He composed himself quick as he walked over to you while you and Naoya continued talking, until he eventually stepped in between the two of you.

"Y/N! Hey!" He said smiling wide, and your face lit up, which Naoya noticed.

"Satoru, hey!" He smiled at you, as his eyes wandered around, taking in your appearance.


No wonder they were fighting over you.

"Looking amazing, as always." He said in a low tone as he completely blocked Naoya off, as he brought his face lower and closer to yours, showing off the effect it had on you as your cheeks tinted a pink. Naoya watched from behind in jealousy as Satoru spoke.

"So, wanna come with me? All the second and first years are there, as well as some others." You couldn't pass up the offer, being with Satoru and your friends was too good of an offer. You looked at Naoya apologetically, "Sorry, Naoya, I'm gonna go say hi to all of them. We'll chat more later, okay?" You said as you got up and got your drink, Naoya nodded, hiding his jealousy. "For sure, see you later." 

You waved as you left with Satoru, talking with him, and Naoya watched from behind, infuriated.

He mumbled, as the Sake slowly got to him, "Just you wait, Gojo... " He got up, walking outside to take a breath of fresh air.

"The Zenin will have her."

"I will have her."

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