06 : Gifts

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Satoru and Y/N were now outside the cafe after their talk had finished. While Satoru thought that she told him everything, she had refrained from telling him something very important...

Something that completely changed her life.


'Why did you...do this...?'

'You murderer.'


Hearing that voice replay in her mind, she shuddered. 

Satoru looked at her, "Huh, what's wrong? Are you cold? I mean ....it's hot outside so I don't know how-"

"I'm good, don't worry..." Y/N said, a light chuckle leaving her as she turned to face him, "So, where to next? Where do you wanna go?" She smiled at him, a light blush appeared on his face, but he quickly turned his head, pretending to look around.

"Uh...how about we go to my house? Like...The Gojo Residence. I know my family will be glad to see you!" He turned, smiling widely at her. Y/N pondered for a moment, "I mean...I'll be going to your house after so long, and unannounced...it might look bad-" 

"IT'S FINE!! Don't worryyyy, they'll be happy!" Satoru said, he grabbed her shoulders and bent his knees a little so he came closer to her level, shaking her a bit. "CMOONNN, LET'S GO! PLEEASEEE Y/NNNN!"

Y/N laughed a little, nodding, "OKAY OKAY! We'll go... But I should at least get a gift for your family..." She said, pivoting on her heels, and looking at the different stores. Satoru made a face, an exhausted face, knowing that this will take a while, as she'd be planning on finding a great, no, perfect gift.

"Let's go there, to start with." She said, pointing at a store. Satoru nodded, "Yes, ma'am..." 

And so, they went on their journey to find a gift for his family, it went something like this...

"Do your parents still like these types of decorations?"

"YUP! A LOT! How about you buy those?"

"Hm...no, not great quality... and not enough for the amount of time it's been."


She'd grab another thing, "How about this?"


"Hmm... I'm not sure..."

"Take your time..."

After the most tiring hours of Satoru's life, they finally bought the gift, wrapped it, and were now on their way to his house in the car, his family's driver driving them.

She was nervous, would they still like her, or be angry at her for never making contact with them for the past few years?

Satoru noticed this, and he sighed, a sigh filled with happiness though. It was cute how worried she was about his parents still liking her.

"Don't worry, they're your #2 fans! I'm number 1, obviously." Satoru said, smirking, and Y/N smiled, blushing a little. "I'm glad to hear... I do hope they like the gift, should I change-"

"NO. DO NOT. WE ARE ON THE WAY TO MY HOUSE, NO TURNING BACK NOW." He said as if he had PTSD from gift shopping, and encouraged the driver to go faster.

They finally arrived at their residence and were now inside.

Satoru grabbed the attention of one of the maids and asked her where his parents were, to which she told him that they were in the living room, watching a baseball match.

Y/N's stomach was killing her from the pain as she waited for Satoru to introduce her. He loved introducing people, he did the same with Geto and Shoko.

"SHE'S BACK, OUR FAVORITE,  FUJIWARA Y/NNNN!" He said, opening up his arms wide, signalling for her to step into the room now.

She stepped in, tightly clutching the gift in her hand, seeing the shocked expressions on his parents. She bowed 90 degrees, or even more, as she greeted them. She then walked up to them and held out the gift, they took it, still pretty shocked.

"We haven't seen you in so long, Y/N! How have you been? How's your mom and dad?" Satoru's mom asked, and Y/N told her everything she wanted to know. 

After a while of questioning, Satoru was getting impatient, even though it had only been 15 minutes of them talking, and he wanted Y/N to now be with him.

'Why am I so impatient for her to get done with this talk...' Satoru let out a sigh, unable to wait anymore.

"Okayy Mom, I'm gonna take her with me now, also she spent HOURS looking for that gift, I'm sure you'll like it." Satoru grabbed Y/N's hand as he dragged her out of the room, while she looked up at him and scoffed, "Only one hour, not any longer!" He rolled his eyes, "Sure... whatever you say Y/NN~" He smirked as they walked, essentially teasing her for taking that long.

Due to Satoru being the Gojo Family's...well...everything. He had a very grand bedroom and with that a separate area, a lounge and a mini training dojo. A hall led to this area, and on either side of this hall, was a row of flowers, all the same type of flower. While it made sense why this flower was outside his room, given his appearance, Satoru had a separate motive for these flowers to be there, a different relevance.

She looked at the flowers, "Hmm...these flowers grow outside my house sometimes, kinda rare to see though!" She said as she held one of the flowers, and Satoru nodded.

"Yeah... I remember... They're really nice..." He said softly, a faint blush appearing on his face.

But what he remembered more was that these flowers held a very special place in his heart.

This type of flower was how he used these to cherish and remember Y/N after they were separated.

His symbol for her: blue and white chrysanthemums.

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