01 : Cold and Warm

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YEAR: 2006


Y/N looked at the little pamphlet she had gotten right before her first day, she had joined the school later in the year, around a month and a half later. She'd have to catch up on some classes.

(A/N: I like to have Y/N's last name be Fujiwara, you can change it to your last name while reading, but when I say Fujiwara, it's basically the last name.)

She then looked at her student card, smiling. 

'I guess the photographers here know how to take a good picture of your student ID, unlike other schools.'

Y/N sighed, she was very nervous, considering the fact that... Gojo Satoru would be there. Would he even remember her? Would he remember their past..?


 YEAR: 1999

(Satoru: 10 years old. Y/N: 9 years old)


A young Y/N smiled as she played with Satoru, crossing her arms, "Let's spin each other!" 

Gojo Satoru was a cold-hearted boy. When he was young, having a smile on his face was rare, and you couldn't blame him.

Y/N whined, teasing him, "Satoru! Come on! Let's spin! I wanna fly, and then you can fly too!" She smiled widely at him. 

Fujiwara Y/N was a warm-hearted girl. She was one year younger than Satoru and was his best friend. A frown on her face was rare, she wasn't subjected to the same amount of pressure as Satoru. She often felt bad, so she would always try and cheer him up, to try and bring some light and fun into his cold and isolated world. They would always, and I mean always, find time for each other for some part of the day. 

Satoru sighed, a slight grin forming on his face as he crossed his arms and held her hands, and they started to spin. Eventually, after spinning for enough time, she raised up her legs, as Satoru basically swung her around. She was laughing, and a smile formed on Satoru's once-cold face.

He finally slowed down, in an attempt to put her down, but maybe he slowed down a bit too fast... She kept on going at the same speed, while he had almost stopped, and that meant...

"SATORU!" She said, yelling at him. She couldn't stop herself as she flew and fell, still holding his hand, and so he fell with her. Y/N groaned as she grabbed her knees, they were hurting, but it wasn't terrible. Satoru felt bad, as he rushed over to see if she was okay, "You okay, Y/N!?" He said, his blue eyes slightly wide as he looked down at her. She nodded, looking up at his concerned face as she lay on the ground, holding her knees.  

She chuckled, smiling, "Has anyone told you that your smile is really pretty?"




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