Leaps and Bounds

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Izuku Age: 13

     It has been a couple of years since Izuku had developed nanites and a few advanced weapons, his favorite was the L-Star. An energy machine gun with two hundred shots, It fires fast and has a self charging energy cell it does take about three seconds to recharge. Izuku had also created two arm guard styled energy shields that can be deployed to absorb any impact and turn it into energy for his suit. 

     While Izuku had a Kevlar suit at first, he soon started having nanite infused cloth used as it could absorb any impact and transfer the damage back onto the attacker or even repair itself. It was tricky at first because he still needed a strong cloth as a frame, so he used titanium woven Kevlar. then he reinforced the rest of the cloth with his nanites. This was useful because he only had to touch the cloth in order to "equip" his gear, except the Exo-skeleton and jump kit paired with his helmet. His helmet was the most reinforced and had a direct link with AL-3N and his data base, along with the ability to command his army.

     It was also a great time for his electronics because he had made quirks useless against him. It had taken a few months but he was able to find out what made quirks work and how to render them disabled thanks to a specialized force field. The fields were strong but required a ton of energy which is why he had made Quantum batteries that could work indefinitely and were immune to E.M.P's or Electric magnetic pulses. The titans were also Immune to EMP's but were temporarily rendered "blind" for a few seconds.

     The Quantum batteries and Quantum cells were essential to Izuku and his operations. In fact they were the reason why Izuku was able to put more satellites into orbit without attracting attention, The active camouflage was a great asset as it also deflected scans or radar. All together it was starting to look like he was heading towards overwhelming victory on his mission.

     Izuku's new combat suit was top of the line, Armor harder then diamond, cloth as strong as sapphire, mobility like a wind there was almost anything he couldn't do. his Exo-skeleton helped with high falls, Jump kit with getting up high, Ammo pouches galore, sonar for 3D mapping and coordination, L-Star with his pistol and data knife for normal use. energy fields and an arm mounted grapple hook with electric motors. and lastly his helmet, It had encrypted communications, multiple displays and a hard link to his Titan and Titan manufacturing satellite that could be deployed in fifteen seconds if the titan was already made. it would take around thirty minutes for a titan to be made from scratch.

     Izuku wasn't just limited to one titan at a time either, he could command seven at a time, making him a force to be reckoned with. In a sense Izuku was the one man army he needed, he could effectively command seven titans and fifty specters along with five reapers at once. He could also use Commander bots should he need bigger forces. 

Author note: Izuku's outfit looks like Kane's outfit from Titanfall 2.

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