New Home

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Izuku Age: 18

     Blisk had finally finished construction on his new home and wanted to show his group what he has accomplished. While his family did not know where he was they had just assumed that he was off hunting down criminals only to be surprised when he told them he has a new and better home base.

     While the group was big each person had made it to their destination safe and sound. Blisk had teleported everyone to the dry dock as it was one of the first things he had built. When Blisk had finally started listening he heard a bunch of his people exited on seeing their new home.

     He had started at the dry dock and decided to follow they path he had laid out, he went to the plaza, green houses, solar farm, and even the personal homes. Blisk had made every building with modular building blocks that acted much like a group of nanites would.

     The building's building blocks allow for minor or even drastic change in a short time period, should Blisk activate combat mode every building would turn into a reinforced bunker with almost no weak points. Blisk was of course preparing for war and he wouldn't be telling anyone.

     This could present some problems down the road but Blisk wouldn't let that stop him. He knew something was going to happen but he simply didn't know when, so he decided to use every single bit of technology he had to make the ultimate weapon other then himself.

     Blisk had let his helmet fold in and decided to ask his father for any battle plans. While Izuku was busy the rest of the group had decided on going around and exploring. It was not long until the group found a number of snack bars and entertainment. It was cool seeing everything Blisk had built, but what surprised everybody there was the fact they were deemed as "Family" this allowed them to get free food and drink since Blisk had given them special access.

     What really shocked everyone was the amount of Ion Titans patrolling the base. They were painted Black with red highlights and the Apex Predators logo. even the lights on the titans were red, this was to add an intimidation factor.

     A few people were able to pick up on the added security although they had thought it was because they were actually above ground, mostly. Blisk had made sure that a large number of underground bunkers were available and combat ready at all times.

     The factories on the new base were working at maximum efficiency, Everyone knew Blisk was getting ready for something they just couldn't put their finger on it. Blisk however was making combat drones made for absolute destruction, They would fire plasma as either bolts or a high energy beam capable of melting steel with ease. these combat drones were the mark twos and would be in groups of six.

     Blisk was making weapons of all kinds however they could only be fired if the owner was holding it. this would stop any misuse and would keep the guns from getting into the hands of the enemy. Blisk was the exception as he can control who the gun belonged to.

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