Operation: Ash

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Izuku Age: 17

     Izuku has decided to expand his operations due to recent events, He wanted to find people he could rely on. Something needed to change in society due to the corruption. He seen it first hand and had a few leads.


Name: Himiko Toga   Quirk: Transform

Age: 17                             status: Active

Location: Home


     Al-3N was able to gather the profile of Himiko Toga, however it wasn't good. After a bit of digging, it was discovered that she was a victim of abuse and neglect. Izuku decided he had enough and wanted to save her from her situation.

     It was a simple task of getting her out of there, the tricky part was her diet. She needed blood to survive, There wasn't any tests that were done saying she couldn't have synthetic blood however he didn't want to try it without her permission.

     Around ten p.m. Izuku entered Himiko's house along with four banshee robots, it wasn't hard getting evidence that Himiko's parents were paying off local police to ignore all reports. Izuku had engaged his personal stealth cloak until he got to Himiko's room, with a soft knock Himiko was alerted to his presence. she had told him to come in thinking it was one of her parents, when she saw him she was on guard and asked what he wanted.

     When he stated that he simply wishes to help her escape she didn't believe him, he wanted to show that he meant no harm so he gave her a blood bag. when she saw what he had she was scared because her parents only taunted her with them, what she didn't expect was for the boy about her age give it to her with no strings attached.

Izuku: Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. I brought you the blood bag and I just have a question for you.

Himiko: W-What is it?

Izuku: Do you want to join me?

Himiko: Join you?

Izuku: If you join me I can take you away from here and maybe even get rid of your quirk, If you don't want that then I can simply suppress it.

Himiko: You can do that?

Izuku: Yes, However if you don't want that then -

Himiko: Please, I want to leave. They treat me like I'm a monster and I don't even know what I did wrong. I just want to be normal.

Izuku: Shh, It's alright. No one is going to hurt you again, and if they do then I guess I'll just have to put an end to that.

     With that said Izuku and Himiko walked out of the house and into a dropship that Izuku had prepared, Without a sound they started to take off. Izuku had given Himiko an outfit that she would like and enjoy, While on the way back to the bunker Himiko had asked for Izuku's name to which he simply said. "My real name, or my code name" Himiko simply said "both". Izuku told her what happened when he was ten and how he got to where he is, He had also told her that his real name is Izuku Midoriya, but he went by Blisk since people thought he was dead.

     It wasn't long before they had arrived in the under ground hanger, When Himiko stepped out of the dropship she was amazed to find out how big the place actually was. Izuku answered any question she had while he gave her a tour around the bunker, it was around eleven p.m. when Izuku showed Himiko her quarters. it wasn't anything to fancy however it did have a bed, closet, a computer and an intercom system. 

     As Izuku was about to walk out, Himiko had grabbed his sleeve and thanked him for all he has done in such little time he gave her a hug and told her that she didn't have to worry anymore and that she wasn't alone. he soon walked out and closed the door behind him.

     Himiko POV: He said his code name was Blisk, I'll have to ask him to give me one to. I hope it's really cool, but I hope I can help him like he helped me.

Normal POV*

     Izuku had went to his room to sleep when AL-3N had asked him what he should do with Himiko, Izuku told AL-3N to treat her like he would treat him to which AL-3N simply agreed.

--Time Skip--

     It was around three in the morning when Himiko woke up, she was of course confused until she remembered what Izuku had done for her. she made her way to the kitchen for some water when she saw a drone flying around the place, She build up the courage to ask what it was doing. when it turned to her it simply said that it's name was Al-3N and that he controlled most of the facility along with Izuku. when she asked what type of person Izuku was AL-3N simply said that she should find out herself. with that he went back to cleaning, as Himiko got her water she went back to her room only to find a message from AL-3N on her computer. "Himiko, I know you are wondering if you made the right choice but let me assure you that Izuku is reliable and trust worthy. He told me to treat you as I would him so he trusts you, sleep tight - AL-3N" with that she drank her water and went back to sleep.

     In the morning Izuku had woken Himiko up for breakfast and had given her a fresh pair of clothes for her to change into, When asked Izuku simply told her that AL-3N had made them and if she wanted anything specific then all she has to do is request it from the computer. Izuku left and Himiko soon changed and went to the kitchen for food, when she arrived she saw Izuku with who looked to be his mother and a little girl.

     Izuku soon introduced Himiko to Inko and Eri, Who thought Himiko was "Pretty" Himiko gushed at how cute Eri was and soon sat down for breakfast which was sausage and eggs with a side of hashbrowns and cheese. everyone also had a cup of orange juice except Himiko who had a cup of orange juice and a cup of blood. when Himiko asked about the second cup Izuku just told her it was for her quirk and that she doesn't have to drink it if she wasn't comfortable with it, Himiko simply bowed and told Izuku for everything.

     After breakfast Izuku had pulled Himiko to the side and had asked her if she thought about a code name, to which Himiko replied by telling Izuku to pick for her. Izuku had mentioned a few and Himiko said that she liked the second one, the second one being Ash.

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