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Izuku Age: 18

      Blisk had just jumped on to the top of Richter's Titan and activated a group of three quirks. Bone Manipulation, The ability to mold and manipulate bones in a thirty foot radius. Unbreakable Bones, The ability to make the users bones unbreakable unless willed other wise. Bone Fabrication, The ability to create bones however they take parts and fragments out of the user. With Blisk using the three quirks along side each other he was able to make a shield that protected Richter, being protected by Blisk, Richter started his assault by launching his sonar pulse that granted a partial lock on. Re-Destro had prepared for Blisk and had got his hands on a few of the quirk suppressing bullets that overhaul had made when he was still on earth. AL-3N had warned Blisk about the bullets and allowed for him to doge in time instead of getting hit. While Richter and Blisk were fighting, the specters had got on top of a ridge and started to put together an anti-Titan turret. While all that was happening AL-3N was trying to connect to the rest of his main frame and as such he was limited on what he could do.

     The specters were able to build an anti-Titan turret however when it fired it had alerted Re-Destro about the turret in question. The specters were able to get back to what was left of the widow when the anti-Titan turret was destroyed. When Re-Destro turned to face Richter and Blisk the two had separated and decided to pincer attack him in order to take him down. AL-3N had sent out a short wave radio signal to the specters to order them to start construction on an improvised radio tower or relay, they still had the cloak drone covering their movements however Re-Destro had a nagging feeling about the drone. Before he could target the drone however Richter had hit him twice with his cannon and deployed a particle wall for cover. Re-Destro was about to shoot at Richter but stopped when he noticed Blisk on top of his mech, and with a smirk he activated the hull defenses by electrocuting the hull. This had made Blisk jump off to regain ground, Re-Destro noticed this and shot at Blisk however Richter launched his homing missiles to protect his boss and friend. Blisk unfortunately got hit in the leg by a twenty millimeter round which almost made Blisk lose his leg.

     Richter had went in for a punch only for Re-Destro to doge and hit Richter instead. The specters had just finished their radio relay and headed back to the widow to activate the reaper that didn't get destroyed and to get anti-Titan weapons. AL-3N was able to send an emergency message saying that they were under attack and needed backup. AL-3N also sent a command to release Alpha Tango - 7275 or AT-7275 to Blisk's location however it would take a minute to enter atmosphere and land. Blisk had to fall back on his technology and allies to win this fight since the round he was hit with was laced with a quirk suppressant. while Blisk was recovering, Richter had taken a few blows and his Titan's hull was weakening. Before Re-Destro could punch through the hull he was hit with a barrage of plasma missiles and energy beams capable of punching through his mech's armor.

     When Re-Destro turned around he was hit in the camera by a rocket that blinded him temporarily, when the smoke cleared though all he heard was a loud crashing sound followed by the firing of a twenty millimeter chaingun called the XO-16. AT-7275 couldn't use any of Blisk's quirks since once they would connect through a wire and sync abilities, However when you have a top of the line Titan filled with cutting edge technology you become almost unstoppable. Blisk and Richter were now hitting Re-Destro with everything they got until it looked like he either lost power or died during the combat. Blisk fully linked with his Titan and walked up to Re-Destro's Mech before ripping open the cockpit and ripping the man from inside before kicking the remains of the mech to the ground. A quick scan indicated that Re-Destro was alive but in a coma like state.

     Blisk's leg had just finished healing when he had called for evac at his current location, AL-3N confirmed the order and started scanning the wreckage of Re-Destro's Mech. That is when Blisk ordered a salvage crew to pick up what remained of the Mech for further study. AL-3N had received a priority message to patch Melissa through to Blisk. It turns out when the base got an emergency signal from AL-3N that Melissa flew into a panic and ordered a set of Ronin Titans to escort Blisk back home, lets just say it was a welcomed thought to Blisk.

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