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Izuku Age: 17

     Blisk had prepared to get Kyoka back to full health, While Blisk was the one to give the offer the choice was still hers to make. While Blisk was waiting he had received a message on his phone that was available for direct messages and offers. The message itself was simple, it simply said " Be cautious, they are after you now." 

     It was weird however Blisk had gotten the point, The HPSC was after him and his mother again. Before Blisk could think about it anymore he was alerted by a notification telling him that Kyoka had arrived at the designated area.

     Without wasting time Blisk opened a portal in front of her and let her in. It was strange for Blisk to see her like this, so beaten up and done with life. Blisk decided to ask her about what she wanted. Her being confused just tilted her head to which Blisk decided to explain that he could transfer her mind or he could just make a high tech prosthesis. Kyoka had decided for the prosthesis and decided to ask if he could help her quirk become useable again.

     Blisk simply nodded and said that she was there to be healed, not treated. To most people Blisk was heartless but when he took off his suit he became one of the most caring people around. Kyoka had found her self blushing and had turned her head away from Izuku. It was strange seeing him without his helmet.

     Izuku had previously told everyone to call him Izuku when his helmet was off, of course he told this to the few guests he had every so often now just to calm them down. Izuku was about to put Kyoka to sleep before she grabbed his arm gently and asked him why he was doing this. He smiled and simply said because it was the right thing to do. She then told him that she wishes to  join his team to which he nodded and said "Then I'll see you when you wake up, Viper." with that Kyoka had drifted off to sleep.

     When Kyoka or rather Viper woke up she was at first disoriented until she remembered that she was under Izuku's care. When she had sat up the first thing she noticed was the fact she could see out of her right eye, as a result she had sub-consciously raised her right arm only to find it in perfect order. About the time she was going to call out for someone Izuku had walked in with some food and water.

     Before she could ask anything Izuku had given her a run down of what he had did. He told her that thanks to a chip in her brain her arm would move the same way as before. When Kyoka tilted her head he had explained that it was a refined version of his very first chip and it was in fact able to act as a phone or other device. As she went to stand Izuku had put his hand on her left shoulder and reassured her that everything went smoothly. She had explained how she thought she would have to give up on her dreams but thanks to him she wouldn't have to.

     Izuku had told her to eat and get more rest since her body wasn't fully healed, She had asked why he didn't heal her with nanites he had explained that they were coded for his body only. he could speed up the process like he had earlier however he had hard wired the safty as a defence protocol. She had started to eat when he gave her a code. at first she was confused however when he pointed to the television it turned on and said "Welcome Jiro"

     Before he left he told her to relax and let the tech do the heavy lifting for her, and with that he had left. When the door closed she was in awe of just what he had done for her and from that day on he had earned her full support and loyalty.

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