Family or Liars?

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Izuku Age: 17

     All For One was in total shock and was confused, how could Izuku and Inko Midoriya be alive? He was told they were both killed and his lie detector quirks never said otherwise. Shigaraki would of course either already know or would be informed soon.

     When Blisk got home he was greeted by Eri and his mother. She of course was worried about the HPSC and what they might do. Before Blisk could respond he had an emergency message from AL-3N, When Blisk asked Al-3N about it he simply said it would be better to see for him self.

     Blisk had gotten to his office to look at what AL-3N had found. Blisk was looking at his DNA and All For One's DNA, AL-3N had highlighted a certain fragment of the DNA strands. Blisk had almost fell over when he saw it. He and All For One had shared some DNA meaning All For One was his biological father. Blisk had relooked at his DNA only to find a fractured DNA strand that controlled how quirks work. It appears as if his DNA was shot but only quirk strand was damaged. Now Blisk was curios to know why his DNA was damaged and decided to try to find answers.

     First up was his mother, He had approached her and asked about his father. Inko had visibly shrunk and was un-nerved. She had told him that he worked over seas and that his name was Hisashi Midoriya and his quirk was fire breath. Blisk had also asked his mom why his quirk was shot.

     Inko looked visibly shocked at the fact he had said his quirk which would mean he had one right? Inko had asked for clarification about what he meant. when Blisk told her that he has a quirk she was relived until he mentioned that it seems someone intentionally corrupted his DNA. Inko was excited but also worried about her son. If his quirk was corrupted then is anything else corrupted?

     Blisk had walked down to the research lab to try to piece his quirk back together. Blisk was determined to make full use of whatever ability he may have. Blisk was smart, that much was known however Blisk Loved his A.I and his little team. Blisk actually had a plan to make another A.I. just to help lighten the load on AL-3N, He was the mainframe after all.

     DNA and quirk research was a huge part of Blisk's master plan however that plan seems to be changing everyday now. Introducing CL-0É, The new head of DNA and quirk related things including replications. The highest priority is fixing Blisk's quirk DNA. until then he would need to go and catch up with his team.

     Many members of the Apex Predators were relaxing after the events of the sports festival, Well that was until Blisk entered the room. Everyone had stood up and asked what he was up to, Blisk had ended up explaining that he has a quirk but someone corrupted his quirk DNA when he was either born or very young. Richter and Kane were shocked while Slone was distraught, Ash was more or less confused about how it happened to which Blisk replied he was also confused.

     Blisk had told everyone to relax and rest since they earned it. with that Blisk had left and went to his room, Blisk didn't have to sleep but he liked to as it made him feel human and with that he decided to take a nap to past the time.

     It was around seven p.m. when Blisk had gotten a text from an unknown number he simply asked who it was and to his surprise it was Kyoka Jiro asking about his offer. Blisk had sat up and asked what she had decided, she had told Blisk that if he really can help her then she would join him no questions asked.

     Blisk had asked Kyoka when she would like to get started so he may prepare his staff and family about the new arrival to which she said tomorrow due to still being tired. Blisk agreed and decided to start preparations in advance. Kyoka had thanked him then got off the phone for the night.

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