Old World

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Izuku Age: 17

     Izuku had found the Arc however he found more then that, he had found an alien structure holding the Arc. It took time but when AL-3N scanned the structure he found that it held an unknown metal not native to earth, Izuku and AL-3N decided to recreate the metal and with a bit of time were able to. The pair took to calling the metal "Magnere" It was impervious to almost all damage and needed to be cut using the energy provided by the white sun itself. The metal itself wasn't that heavy either so it was perfect for building with, the problem was refining the metal and for that Izuku would need a custom forge.

     It was a few days since Izuku started development on the forge, it wasn't exactly complex just tiring to do. Izuku had a synthetic body however it was based on the human body so it had some flaws. But those flaws were what held him to the ground and to his humanity on multiple levels, and while Izuku was making the forge AL-3N had been looking for promising recruits. Himiko was also worried about Izuku since he was the one who had helped her in her time of need, when Himiko asked Inko about Izuku she had simply said that this was apparently what he has been doing for the past seven years. Izuku told Himiko about his past however he didn't tell her about his mother so as Inko and Himiko were talking they decided to ask AL-3N for his side of the story. It wasn't long after that when Izuku had made his break through, A custom A.I. made for making machinery. Izuku decided to name it C2-UZ.

     C2-UZ was made for machines and synthetics, C2-UZ was also used for the forge to smelt Magnere. Izuku had decided to make Magnere by using his matter fabricators which as the name suggests it pulls raw matter to create anything currently possible including metals from other worlds as long as the atomic structure was usable. Izuku wanted to keep some of the Titans as is since they were tested however he did want to upgrade his gear using the new metal. Magnere was good because it wasn't magnetic unlike his current gear, it also proved to absorb excess energy to fortify it's structure which was unheard of. The big problem with Magnere was it's long refinement time at least normally. Izuku had decided to revamp his gear by getting rid of any tungsten or titanium weave and used Magnere weave instead, Izuku also remade his nanites with the Magnere metal which provided total insulation from any and all interference. 

     Izuku did create the Titans MK II using Magnere however these were heavily protected and almost indestructible. He also wanted to create a special armor that would form to his skin and mold to whatever he needed whether it be changing his eye color or turning him completely invisible due to bending the light around him. The down side to having Magnere Nanites was the fact they couldn't replicate them selves without more Magnere on hand so Izuku would have to carry bars of it under his skin. Izuku decided that having a "battle body" would help better and decided to make a Magnere infused synthetic body with a durable silicone skin covered in a transparent Magnere armor much like his under armor. with no hydraulics, he decided to use gravity manipulators as muscles in his battle body.

For those of you wondering an average white sun's temperature is (17,540 degrees F/ 9,726 degrees C)

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