The Fall of I Island

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Izuku Age: 18

     Blisk was in his Titan running to meet up with Hisashi, Toshinori, and David. It was not hard putting the pieces together but even Blisk did not expect something this bold and stupid by other countries.

     It wasn't long until Blisk reached what seemed to be the town hall of I Island, that was when Blisk encountered some problems. five of the discounted Nomus were attacking before engaging Blisk in a five verses one. even with their numbers and strength they lost swiftly.

     With the problems dead Blisk had turned and headed to meet the rest of the group but before he left he sent a picture of the group to Felix to confirm something. After the picture was sent Blisk had picked up the pace and rushed to the others.

     It was a war zone to say the least, But what pissed Blisk off wasn't the fact he was being attacked, No it was the fact that civilians have died in the skirmish for no reason and that pissed Blisk off. Don't think Blisk was a monster, sure he would kill anyone who stood in his way, even civilians but if he could avoid killing civies then he would.

     When Blisk reached the group he was looking for David had started shouting to Melissa and not knowing where she is, Without missing a beat Blisk opened the hatch and Melissa had popped out and slid her way down the Titan.

     David being the father he was had demanded that she not slide down a Titan again, however he swiftly turned and had thanked Blisk for protecting her. Blisk had told him that it wasn't a problem however they should evacuate the island.

     David agreed that they should evacuate the island however that isn't currently possible due to rubble being in the way of the emergency broadcast room. With that said Blisk had closed the hatch of his Mech and swiftly started to clear a way to the studio followed by David, Melissa, Toshinori, and in the very back was Hisashi acting as the rear guard.

     Blisk was on his way out of the tunnel when David had started to swear, Blisk was confused because the man hasn't done that since Blisk was there. Reluctantly Blisk asked what the problem was only for David to tell him that the broadcasting equipment has been destroyed so he couldn't send the message out.

     While Blisk had known better he had wished that he didn't have to do all the work, with a sigh he had left the tunnel and had his Titan throw him on to the roof of the building. With some adjustments Blisk had gotten to the top of the tower only to find around seven soldiers pointing guns at him. without a second thought Blisk had pulled out his wingman and shot six while using his grappling hook to pull the last one into a punch.

     With the group of soldiers dead Blisk could focus on sending a signal through the island to establish an evacuation notice. While Blisk was busy the rest of the group where busy trying to send any type of message through only for them to patch into the enemy communications.

     When the group listened to the communications they had heard that a group went to the relay station and had the target with them until the target was thrown and they lost visual. Blisk had also heard this and he was pissed. It took a few moments but Blisk had sent a message out to the island.

     The message went as the following " Hello everybody, This is the worlds best mercenary. David shield has hired me and as such I'm willing to help, If you wish to live then enter a portal near you. Be warned that if you are hostile then you will be killed soon. I'm coming so make your peace"

     Many civilians were relived and many were worried because they knew Blisk was on the island now, Not only was the island bound to fall but so were who ever caused this mess. As for the soldiers, they were scared. Blisk, the man known for his ruthlessness was on the island and he was coming for them. Many soldiers didn't even know who they were after but now that they knew. well lets just say there was some infighting among the soldiers.

     Blisk had discovered where the enemy was located in mass so with a swift speed he teleported all the civilians to mainland Japan while he started raining hellfire on his enemies. Anyone who was still watching would close their eyes from the sight of such cruel behavior.

     Blisk had teleported David, Melissa, Toshinori and Hisashi to his base before he had an orbital strike hit the island with everything he had. Even the aircraft carrier a few clicks out was destroyed. and with that Blisk left before he sent one last strike to clean up any remaining enemies.

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