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Izuku Age: 18

      "So let me get this straight, you gave my daughter a quirk that manipulates the probability of anything around her in a fifty foot radius, And you are here with your father who is the single most powerful man in the world? I would say you are on something but seeing as she actually has a quirk I don't know if I should kick you off my island or hug you."

     It was understandable for David to be up in arms, Sure his daughter got a quirk but she got it from the single most influential person alive right now. Blisk was a name everyone knew whether it be for better or for worse. David was being convinced to test Blisk's adaptability and durability with a new gravity sphere. The sphere is able to make the gravity ten times that of earth.

     The goal is to allow the nanites Blisk controls the flexibility and adaptability automatically. The nanites should be able to adapt to allow Blisk the ability to function any where with no restrictions. Blisk also knew that David would try to recreate his nanites however little did David know that there are counter measures against unauthorized fabrication.

     While Blisk was testing his nanites, AL-3N was slowly gaining access to the systems of I island. AL-3N could get access instantly but this would alert the system that there is an intruder in said system.

     AL-3N had just gained access to the guest roster and was surprised to see that class 1-A were present on the island. When Blisk finished his training he was told about class 1-A and how they were on the island.

     Before Blisk could leave he had heard movement in the next room and decided to check it out since that is where Melissa was resting, With a soft knock the door had opened and Melissa jumped upon seeing Blisk. When Melissa calmed down Blisk had decided on how to tech Melissa how to use her new power.

     It took some trial and error but after a few tries Melissa had managed to get a basic grasp on her new power, this was followed by Melissa giving Blisk a hug. While he was expecting a thank you or any type of gratitude he did not expect a hug. When he brought it up Melissa quickly gathered her thoughts and coughed into her hand and resumed as if nothing had happened.

     Blisk had turned to leave until Melissa grabbed his hand and asked him if he wanted to hang out with her. AL-3N had told Blisk to relax and have fun since he did not have many opportunities growing up, Blisk had decided to follow AL-3N's advice and the two went through the entertainment district.

     This had the unintended side effect of people thinking that the two were a couple which made Melissa blush. It had taken a few hours but the two were able to spend the day hanging out and beginning to be friends, That was until a storm decided to roll in to the area making the two go to the nearest hotel to call for a ride.

     Blisk had decided to call a taxi only for his phone to not have any signal, Blisk had told Melissa to try her phone only for hers to be the same way. Using his encrypted communications he was able to detect several faults in the service network and even the security. When Blisk asked AL-3N about it he simply said that he didn't know.

     That was when everything went dark and everyone started to panic before the emergency lights came on, Blisk knew something was going to happen so he decided to call in his prototype Monarch that used special nanites infused with Blisk's DNA, This should allow for his nanites to use his quirks along with him.

     No sooner than the call was placed Blisk could see his Titan enter the atmosphere and he braced for Titanfall. With a roaring crash the Titan had landed and Blisk jumped in only for him to pull Melissa into the cockpit with him. The Titan was made for only one person to pilot it while having two outside passengers, but since it was an emergency Blisk made Melissa sit on his lap.

     It was embarrassing for both of them but no sooner then Melissa got sat in place and buckled in Blisk's Titan had gotten hit with a boulder or something similar. What shocked Blisk was what looked like a shit version of a Nomu however it looked like its DNA was spliced to create a mutant weapon.

     Blisk was able to kill the thing fast enough but he was confused because his father's Nomu all had black skin thanks to shock absorption however whatever he just killed had a tan skin. He decided to call his father only to find out that he to was fighting something similar. He had asked his father if they were his only to get a no in return.

     Blisk had decided to regroup with All Might and All For One to end whatever was going on. It appeared to be an attack but he did not know who was behind it until he saw troopers in an olive green color with the united states flag as a patch. That was when Blisk started to figure out who was behind this.

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