Brothers in Arms

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Izuku Age: 17

     Izuku had looked at Shigaraki and asked what was wrong, to Blisk's surprise he had jumped at the sudden question and looked away as if he was ashamed. Shigaraki had apparently gained enough courage and asked Blisk for his forgiveness. Blisk was shocked and asked why he was sorry. Shigaraki had told Blisk that All For One had basically adopted him when he was younger and how his father figure had a kid around the same age.

     Shigaraki had explained that he had wanted a brother and that he was gonna have one, well that was until both Shigaraki and All For One heard that Izuku and Inko had been murdered to which both Shigaraki and AFO had flew into a blind fury and had tried to kill the entire HPSC. Only for them to be ready and able to repel the attack with ease. That was when they created The League of villains. Blisk had enabled his quirk suppressing field and had given his new brother a hug telling him that it was alright due to him not being able to die now.

     All For One was relived to see both of his boys bond and had told Shigaraki it was alright to show his feeling around his family, and with those words Shigaraki had started to break down at the sight of his brother actually being there.

     All For One was a lot of things, but heartless was not one of those. He was cold and ruthless to many because they were worthless or not worth his time. But All For One never wanted his family to suffer for his actions so he had pushed them away with a fake story in order to protect his family from danger. It was a mistake that he thought he could never rectify in his life only to find out both his son and wife were kicking and alive.

     Shigaraki had told Blisk that he wanted to see his older brothers face to which Blisk had made the helmet fold and open. Blisk had told them that if they wanted to they could join his ranks and the family, at first AFO was hesitant but Shigaraki had told him that if they join they could help Izuku fulfil his dreams and plans. with that AFO had let emotions take over and agreed to help his boys anyway possible. Blisk had told his father to quit his little rivalry to which AFO looked surprised. AFO had asked his first son what he meant and how he knew only to get a sly grin in return.

     Inko was swiftly alerted about how her husband was the number one super villain along with the fact she has two sons now. Inko was confused but accepted them non the less. AFO was surprised to find out that he technically had an adopted daughter but was understanding and happily brought her in for a hug. AFO wasn't ignorant and decided to pull Blisk to the side in order to ask a favor.

     Blisk wasn't stupid either so when his father pulled him to the side he decided that he was going to act.

Blisk: Alright, lets cut to the chase.

AFO: What do you mean?

Blisk: I know why you pulled me aside and simply put I'm not amused. I'm aware you want a perfect body similar to mine however you wont get it

AFO: Fine, I'll just-

Blisk: Did I say I was done?

AFO: No, you didn't. I'm sorry for interrupting you.

Blisk: Thank you for acting like an adult, Now back to what I was saying. You won't get one like mine because it is locked to me, but-

AFO: But?

Blisk: You interrupt me one more time and I'll break your nose

AFO: But I don't-

     Blisk was fed up and decided to prove his point, He had used his nanites to fix and form a nose on AFO before promptly punching him square in his nose to spread his point.

AFO: OW, OW, OW, What the hell!

Blisk: I warned you not to interrupt me again, You may be my father but you weren't there to raise me. Now back to what I was saying, I'll make you a body with your quirks but you can only use fire breathing in front of people okay?

AFO: Oh I get it, You are gonna use my Hisashi image to bring me back into the fold.

Blisk: Yeah, you can decide on what you'll look like since no one remembers what you looked like.

AFO: No one?

Blisk: Look, I know it isn't what you wanted to hear but even I don't remember you. I still wouldn't believe you unless I saw the DNA.

AFO: Son, No Izuku. Listen I am sorry, I should have been there for you and your mother. But please let me try again.

Blisk: When my helmet is on I'm Blisk, but I'll give you one chance b-

AFO: Tha-


AFO: I'm sorry, please continue.

Blisk: As I was saying, you get one chance but if I feel as if you are using Inko, Shigaraki or I, well I'll make sure the king of the underworld is no more.

AFO: You are definitely my son.

Blisk: Now follow me, For now you and Shigaraki will have your own rooms. If mom says see wants you in her room then I'll allow it but not until she trusts you. Oh and father.

AFO: Yes? 

Blisk: She is not happy about being lied too.

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