Status: Active

575 13 7

Izuku Age: 17

     It was about an hour after Izuku and Nezu's meeting, When the entire U.A. staff were updated on what Blisk and Nezu had discovered and discussed. The message read.

"To all staff of U.A. as of this moment Blisk has full control over combat situations, should you not follow his lead then you will be put on leave until further notice. This is not a drill and any questions or disagreements will be handled by yours truly. Nezu"

     It wasn't a surprise for Nezu when multiple teachers had something to say however what wasn't expected was for Izuku to send Nezu a laptop with a note reading "Open" as Nezu opened the laptop he was surprised to see a circle with the word AL-3N below said circle.

AL-3N: Hello principle Nezu, Our mutual friend has given you this "Window" in to his nerve center. This is were you can see a small part of what he is capable of, Be advised that any tampering with said "Window" will result in self destruction to rid of any and all evidence.

Nezu: I have my guesses but what are you?

AL-3N: I am a True A.I. that Master Blisk has made when he was younger. As you already know, I am also the one who detonated his lab to rid of anything that could be used against him.

Nezu: So, How smart are you?

AL-3N: I have almost everything at my metaphorical finger tips, From common knowledge to restricted military files of today. I do not have access to the Hero commission data base however Blisk has plans for that.

Nezu: I should report that.

AL-3N: Yes, however scans indicate you won't due to a high distaste for the commission.

Nezu: You are good.

AL-3N: That is due to Master Blisk's self improving code in my systems.

Nezu: So AL-3N, What does Izuku have planned?

Al-3N: Izuku, his plans are simple. The hero commission thinks he is dead, he is going to use this as an advantage and take them down for corruption.

Nezu: Interesting, however does Izuku plan to reveal that he is alive?

AL-3N: Yes, however Master Blisk has not given me permission to tell you about it yet.

Nezu: Yet?

AL-3N: All in due time Nezu.

     It has been a rough week for all teachers in U.A. due to a large percent of them not liking the idea that a seventeen year old has full control over combat situations. What made it weird was that when they brought it up to Nezu he simply stated that " I've seen his plans and they rival my own." this by itself has made the teachers worried.

     As Aizawa walked into class 1-A he was pulled to the side by Blisk telling him to bring an extra teacher due to All Might being "Late" Aizawa quickly caught on and decided to bring Snipe along for the USJ trip.

     All the students in class 1-A were getting on the bus to go to the USJ when Aizawa, and Snipe were pulled to the side to talk to Blisk.

Aizawa: What is it problem child?

Snipe: what can I do for you Partner?

Blisk: I'm sure you both have gotten the Email from Nezu so I'll make this quick.

     Blisk hands Aizawa and Snipe a small ear piece each.

Blisk: These are custom communicators made by me. Whatever you do, Don't take them out.

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