Forgotten past

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Izuku Age: 18

     Blisk had reached his office when he noticed someone inside, when he entered he had saw his brother inside waiting for him.

Blisk: Tomura, It has been a while. I hope you don't mind me asking but what are you doing here?

Tomura: Hey brother, I actually wanted to see if you were free to hang out with me, mom, and dad?

Blisk: Hmm, now that you mention it. I haven't spent much time with you or the rest of our family, I like it.

     When Tomura heard that Blisk would spend some time with him and the rest of the family he was happy, Not only was he going to learn more about his family but his brother might even talk to him about him helping.

     Back before Blisk revealed he was Izuku, Tomura was angry at everything. It was the same night he was rescued, All For One had told him that he had a family that he could join and who would help him when needed. But once All For One heard that the Midoriya's had been killed, well he flew into a blind rage. It had taken an hour for All For One to calm down and explain that the Midoriya's were his family and as an extension Tomura's family to. This had upset Tomura because no sooner than he got a new family some hero had to take it away from him. It wasn't until the sports festival did Tomura see his brother, He had known it was his brother because All For One had shared stories about the kid when he was younger.

     Before Tomura could think anymore about the topic he was snapped out of it by Blisk, when Tomura looked at his brother the helmet had folded away showing the smile he had. It was at that moment when Tomura realized he was safe and that he had a family, a real family that cared for him and loved him for who he was. With that Tomura had followed his brother.

     One of Blisk's latest technologies were the creation of hexagon shaped panels that when in an array acted as a day and night cycle, So it was about noon when the brothers met up with their parents. What surprised everyone was the fact Hisashi invited Toshinori, Hisashi had explained that Tomura was Nana's grandson. only Izuku, Toshinori, and Hisashi knew who Nana was. Izuku felt it was hi time to explain who Nana Shimura was, Izuku had explained that she was the seventh holder of One For All. When Inko and Tomura asked what One For All was Hisashi said who better to explain then the creator of it.

Hisashi: It all started when I thought my brother was quirkless, You see it was the dawn of quirks and he didn't have one, or at least I thought he didn't. You see his quirk by itself was useless, it was the ability to pass a quirk on. However when I forced a stock piling quirk on to him the two quirks merged.

Toshinori: That is why I'm so strong, I can use one-hundred percent of the power.

Hisashi: Actually you can't.

Toshinori: Wait what do you mean?

Hisashi: It is part of the power, It stock piles strength and power stupid. You only used the strength.

Toshinori: You mean to tell me I only used half of the power given to me?

Hisashi: Yes you blonde moron, My son already has an extra ability.

Blisk: wait how do you know I've unlocked Clone?

Hisashi: Clone? what the hell, what is the limit?

Blisk: twenty, but my clones can clone.

Hisashi: Is that all?

Blisk: No, I can also clone anything I touch.

Hisashi: Wait, Toshinori you were quirkless right?

Toshinori: yes but how-

Hisashi: We are doomed, Not only did All For One and One For All merge but so did the powers and I'm going to go out on a limb and say after a while you could read memories from past users, Wait a minute that is why you have started creating artificial quirks.

Blisk: You figured it out partially, I started creating artificial quirks because if I take them then I can hear the previous user of the quirk. But that wasn't all, I can create the perfect quirks now. One day there will be quirks we can't take just like One For All.

Hisashi: why would you need more quirks?

Blisk: I've seen what you can do, I've even fought a different version of you. say, before I took you there. Did you ever go to that old bunker?

Hisashi: No, I never knew it existed.

Blisk: I found a glove when I first arrived there and when I used it I teleported into what looked like the past. That glove was destroyed from my last visit and do you want to know what happened?

Hisashi: what happened?

Blisk: I saw an older version of myself, He had told me to look into quirk suppressing tech before he could tell me anymore you blew the door down, He had hit the glove and sent me back destroying the glove in the process. I was never able to contact him again and it was because you killed me. The multiverse is real dad, I've seen what it can do and we are not strong enough to fight it. Not yet.

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