What makes or breaks?

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Izuku Age: 15

     One year, in one year Inko Midoriya will be fully healed and brought up to speed about everything that has happened. Eri is now five with her big brother, Eri loves Izuku but she is a little worried because he hasn't taken off his helmet since he met her. The helmet would open to show his eyes but his lower face was still covered. The strange thing about Izuku's eyes are that they change color depending on his mood and body temperature.

green: he is calm,  or happy, and his systems are stable and cooled off. (Safe)

yellow: he is nervous, or anxious and his systems are getting warm. (Cautious)

red: he is angry, or upset and his systems are dangerously hot. (Dangerous)

     There is one thing that bothers Izuku and that is the fact that he doesn't know when AFO will attack, He hasn't been able to use the glove since the last time either. he has no contact with his older self or any information. 

     It is strange for Izuku though, being alone for so long, even with his little sister he was still alone in a sense. He never really had any friends, people who believed in him or his dream. He didn't have a father or a dad, he didn't have any grandparents either. for as long as he could remember he was always alone.

     The closest thing to a friend that he had was a bully named Bakugo Katsuki, The two use to be close but after Bakugo's quirk manifested, he ended up picking on kids weaker then him. Izuku didn't blame him though, he was just a kid after all. No Izuku blamed the adults for letting it happen.

     Izuku kept to himself since then, cautious to let other people in. But now he has to solve a failed assassination attempt on him and his mother's life.

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