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Izuku Age: 16

     The day to bring Inko from the verge of death has finally arrived, with Inko Midoriya finally healed after six long years. she can finally see her little boy, or so she had thought. You see when you are cryogenically frozen everything stops, from your thoughts to your reactions. you have no concept of how long you have been frozen and Inko was about to find that out.

Inko: Run sweetie!

Izuku: Woah! calm down mom, take it easy.

Inko: that you? 

Izuku: Yeah mom, it's me.

Inko: Honey, Why can't I see you?

Izuku: Mom, calm down and tell me what is the last thing you remember?

Inko: I remember being shot at but then something sharp stabbed me.

Izuku: Yeah, Do you remember anything else?

Inko: I remember feeling cold, and I told you to run.

Izuku: Yeah, that is about what I remember to.

Inko: Honey, what do you mean?

Izuku: I think it will be easier to show you.

     Izuku had turned the light on, However he had it on a dim setting as to not strain Inko's eyes. It did not take long for Inko's confusion to grow, as for her ten year old son was now a teenager.

Inko: Izu, is that really you? Why do you have a helmet on? Where are we? What happened?

Izuku: Mom, I need you to calm down and ask one thing at a time.

Inko: *sighs* Alright, then I have to ask what happened first?

Izuku: Well, after you were stabbed AL-3N had coated your body in a special chemical mixture to halt you're body from dying. It basically stopped you from dying, from blood loss. It wasn't easy but I managed to cryogenically freeze you until the damage to your body could be repaired.

Inko: that is a lot to take in dear, Well where are we then? I mean this doesn't look like our house.

Izuku: It's not, You see while I was running AL-3N had discovered an abandoned military bunker, It had everything I needed in the way of materials. But there was something else, Abandoned projects were scattered around the bunker. I found some sort of glove that teleported me to the past. It was the past version of this bunker actually, back before it was abandoned. I was confused so I had AL-3N run some scans. Whatever we did, it triggered something. I talked to a thirty year old version of myself before he forcefully sent me back here.

Inko: So time travel exists?

Izuku: Yes, But that's not all. I- we were hunted by someone named All For One.

     Inko had visibly froze and looked horrified even if she didn't want Izuku to know about him.

Inko: I'm sorry dear but who?

Izuku: Mom, I love you but don't play coy with me. I know that you know who he is.

Inko: Dear, whatever you do. Do Not fight him.

Izuku: I know what he can do mom, I saw what he did to me or rather what he tried.

Inko: What!

Izuku: We figured out how to beat All For One. 

Inko: Impossible, Th-That is impossible. 

Izuku: Not anymore. Have you noticed you can't use your quirk here?

Inko: Now that you mention it, yeah. Why is that?

Izuku: Mom, the reason you can't use your quirk is because I have the entire bunker rigged with quirk suppressing fields. I took the design from quirk suppressing cuffs and made it even better.

Inko: That is ... amazing Izu, honey! What else have I missed?

     As the night went on Izuku had told his mother everything, From the nanites to the Titans being made. Inko had taken the news quite well all things considered, then when she met Eri and had a mental overload. Inko was confused at first but quickly told Izuku how she was proud of him. Later that night Izuku, Inko, and Eri talked until supper.

Inko: Honey, I've been meaning to ask but why haven't you taken off the helmet yet?

Eri: Momma, Big brother Izuku hasn't taken off the helmet since the three years I've been here. He won't tell me why either.

Inko: Izuku honey is this true?

Izuku: *sighs* yeah mom it's true, There was an accident when developing one of the Titans. You see it uses fire based weapons and it burned through my left cheek. It happened so fast that I didn't even feel it. AL-3N was quick enough to stop it from going through my entire jaw, but that didn't stop the damage. There is a giant scar across my entire left cheek up to my eye.

Inko: Honey, why don't you have AL-3N fix it up?

Izuku: No. it is a reminder that I'm human to, even with all this technology I'm still human.

Eri: Well, I love my big brother no matter what. you saved me after all, and I love momma to.

Inko & Izuku: We love you to Eri.

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