Saving Grace

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Izuku Age: 17

     it has been a few days since everyone was brought into the fold. Al-3N had picked up on multiple calls saying there was a strange and almost dead man walking around. Heroes had ben dispatched to the location to detain the individual.

     Blisk had gotten up and instantly teleported near one of the callers, it took a few seconds however he had managed to find the person in question. A quick scan had indicated that by all means he was dead however the brain was still functioning. at the rate it was going the man would be dead soon due to the strain on the body itself.

     Blisk had grabbed the man and pulled him through the portal and ended up back at the base, Blisk tried to talk to him but the man seemed unable to speak. AL-3N had scanned the brain and found that it was almost completely rotten, thoughts were still a thing and it seemed as if speech was to however the body physicality didn't let him speak.

     the man appears to look at Blisk's outfit with ... Admiration? it is often hard to tell. AL-3N had sprayed a chemical compound to stop the further degradation of the dead body. Blisk had asked the man if he would like to join to which the man nodded his head. Blisk had also asked if he would like the damage to be reversed to which the man shook his head meaning no.

     Blisk had given the man a neurochip so he could "talk with Blisk and the rest of the group. It had taken some time to work due to the damage the brain had sustained. Some nanites later and the brain was fine. still some damage but fine.

     The man had introduced himself as Felix. he was from Germany but was taken to America as an experiment, they had heard the news about a bio engineered weapon named Nomu and tried to recreate it without regeneration which unfortunately ended as a failure. Felix had ran away but started to die to to no regeneration. he arrived to Tokyo to find and join the Apex Predators as a sergeant.

     Felix had seen some of the Titans however never saw a middle class, there were heavy and light but no middle tiers. Felix was smart and decided to work with C2-UZ and Al-3N to create the first vanguard class Titan named Monarch. it seemed he had also been interested in upgrades. while Legion had a core that allowed for Infinite ammo while active the Monarch had an upgrade core. the normal core would only allow for a single upgrade however this Monarch labeled FX-0001 had three upgrades per core use the first set of upgrades are Arc rounds, Missile racks, and Energy transfer. the second set of upgrades are Rearm and reload, Maelstrom, and Energy field. the third set of upgrades are Multi-target missile system, Superior chassis, and XO-16 accelerator. Monarch was given a special chain gun labeled XO-16. Monarch had a vortex shield which caught and redistributed anything caught such as bullets and missiles. When fully upgraded the Monarch could almost stand up to the heavy hitters and could if the pilot was skilled enough. Blisk liked the modular abilities and worked them into the commanders titans however on a weaker scale.

     Felix was a huge help and was given a Medal for going above and beyond for the Apex Predators. Blisk had made it to where Felix could talk through his Titan instead of being exposed to elements. Felix may have been new but Blisk liked him and had given Felix his very own room should he want to use it. Felix was also given the standard jump kit along with custom weapons.

     Felix also had a fixation on Rabbits which Blisk could respect. Blisk had also liked rabbits and was thinking on getting Felix a rabbit as a gift. Blisk got Felix a rabbit and named it daisy

{     I want to give a huge shoutout to chaos555 for giving me the ability to bring his OC into my story and he has been a huge help. please go follow him as it would be a good way to show support.}

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