Quarantine platform

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Izuku Age: 18

     Blisk had just got to his command center when Xome had entered and brought several files. Blisk was aware that Xome wanted their original body back however they would have to wait. The temporary body resembled a centaur from mythology, but lacked any extra functions like the body they had remembered. Xome had recovered multiple documents about what their original body looked like along with defence plans and counter measures against potential threats.

     The biggest defence object Xome and his race made was the "Quarantine Enforcement Platform" A large stationary gun the size of a nine story building that shot high energy beams, The original power source was something called an Ion relay. Turns out Blisk creates more power by using his artificial suns. The down side was that the precursor technology was superior but used a weaker power source.

     Blisk and Xome had decided on merging the best parts of both technologies to produce a better result. Xome had even designed a satellite capabilities of faster then light speed transmissions and universal translations. Xome had wanted to help Blisk further in his work, but the alloy his people used was unable to be replicated with current equipment. Xome had came up with a set of coordinates used for the closest precursor fabricator.

     It was not long after Xome designed the satellite that Blisk had decided to use it to keep in touch with Xome, While Xome would leave he wouldn't be gone for longer then needed. They both wanted to keep expanding their knowledge but Xome would need to see about building his original body.

     Blisk had made a ship for Xome to use but also took ideas from their ship ideas, because by using nanites and a lot of effort Xome could integrate with the ship and fully control it. While Xome was getting accustomed with the ship Blisk had decided to add more to his base. His biggest idea was smart equipment such as reforming walls, integrated command prompts and his favorite thing ease of use. Blisk had made it to where anything he touched he could manipulate and connect with other systems. this was in case he could not reach a room he could simply interface with it from anywhere as long as he touched an access port which were everywhere.

     Blisk had looked at multiple games in the twenty first century and decided to replicate the tech from the games like before, there was a game that Felix always played called Doom. Felix had wanted armor similar to the protagonist and Blisk started looking and developing multiple armors from games and movies. Some things made Blisk think he was either insane or just lucky that people could predict such technology to exist. Fiction was a way to make unreal ideas but Blisk decided to make them real and functional.

     The praetor suit was made for Felix and Blisk found it to look pretty close to the one in the game, Blisk had also made it to where Felix could change its look without damaging it. Blisk had made the suit to be air tight in case something were to happen. Blisk had went over the data Xome gave him and when he found a dieses called the Kharaa bacteria, it had wiped billions before a cure was found and multiple planets had fallen. Blisk had decided to take Xome's advice and set up counter measures.

     The Quarantine Enforcement Platform will automatically activate during quarantine but can also be activated manually and act as anti air defense in worse case scenario.

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