World Wide Fear

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Izuku Age: 18

     There were many groups that have been affected by the mercenary group named the Apex Predators. Many petty criminals thought it would be easy to take them on and they were wrong. The big groups however knew they would need help and decided to reach out to other groups.

     Japan was becoming peaceful and crime was dying off in droves, there was a rumor in the underworld of a new King of crime however their name was never revealed. The new king had apparently been the leader in the Meta liberation Front or rather the MLF for short. 

     But in Russia there was the Mob that had plans to take over the world, All over the globe there were groups preparing to take the Apex Predators down. Heroes all over the globe were preparing to do the same. People had seen the strength behind the Apex Predators and feared what would happen if they continued to grow.

     Japan was alright with the mercenary group as they were helping the public however while they liked the group the world did not. Blisk knew it to be true and decided for counter measures, while strong he could probably still be killed and decided to play it safe. He had sent a dropship into space and to the moon. The reason? well Blisk had found some old ruins on the surface of the moon from before quirks and wanted to check out how much was still intact. The dropship was more of a beacon and place for Blisk to teleport to once it was close.

     Blisk wanted to start another project, Project Luna. Blisk was very quiet about this project as it was for emergencies at first or at lease it would be once he knew how everything was. He didn't warp the dropship there all the way due to space still being a touchy area by the rest of the world.

     Blisk's plan was to terraform the moon and make it hospitable to him and his family. It would be his claim and even his moon, but to do this he would need to get rid of the ruins and asses the situation. while this is happening he would need to make sure him and his gear won't be detected leaving the planet. So he used the cloaking devices, the only bad part is they take up to much energy for the ship to warp or use it's guns.

     Blisk thought about dropship upgrades but that would ruin the whole point of being cheap to make, Blisk had resources that was clear however they were not unlimited. The fabricators pulled materials from the surrounded atoms to make what they need to. Blisk also had other things to worry about. Gravity, Atmosphere, Moon Defences, and Etc. That wasn't counting the Internet, Relays and The Dry docks. Blisk had a lot to do and knowing his luck not much time to do it.

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