High alert

530 14 3

Izuku Age: 17

     It was only five minutes until Nezu had called Blisk into his office to discuss what has happened.

Izuku(Blisk): I see that you finally called me down here. You have a security leak.

Nezu: I can assure you that we don't.

Izuku(Blisk): Nezu, I hacked into your PA system and told everyone it was a drill. Before you ask yes I now have a back door and I looked at the camera's around the school and I found out that you have a spy.

Nezu: Alright Blisk, you have my attention.

Izuku(Blisk): Yuga Aoyama, He his your traitor.

Nezu: That is quite the claim Blisk.

Izuku: cut the act Nezu, you know who I am. I did tell you after all.

Nezu: Alright then, Izuku. I must say that you truly are a intelligent person.

Izuku: Good, now back to business. I know it is Aoyama because I had my drone follow him.

Nezu: Izuku, I know that you are smart but there is simply no way for you to have a drone on campus without it being seen.

Izuku: Oh really? 

Nezu: wait a minute.

     It was only a few seconds before Nezu had turned around only to see a small drone the size of a common house fly, what stood out however was the small ram skull painted on the shell of the drone.

Nezu: But how? I didn't even hear it.

Izuku: I know, I made it that way. The ultimate spy drone.

     It was a surprise for Nezu to see one of his students go into the teacher's lounge and plug something in. When Nezu pulled logs from the computer it came back that they had stolen the schedule of the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or USJ for short. Izuku had gathered the information and had assumed it had something to do with All Might however he didn't have anything solid.

Izuku: Nezu.

Nezu: Yes?

Izuku: Keep the schedule the same. I'm going to go prepare the capture ships for when this goes down, oh and alert the staff to let me take control of situations should the need arise.

Nezu: Alright, should I expect anything else?

Izuku: Keep an eye on the skies.

     With that Izuku had walked out of Nezu's office with a stride in his step.

Nezu: Izuku, I wonder. Will you build us up, or tear us down? 

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