one - new beginnings

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rain was nervous

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rain was nervous. scratch that. she was terrified. she knew the team, she knew the town, hell she was best friends with one of the players girlfriends. but there she was, standing in the car park, shitting herself as she thought of the number of new people she had to meet and get to know and make like her. sure, she was an influencer, talking to people was kind of a massive part of the whole thing but that didn't mean she enjoyed it. 

with a deep breath, she tightened her grip on her coffee before straightening her back and marching into the building. she was going to make this job her bitch. social media was what she knew. it was what she was good at. she would be damned if she didn't fucking blow everyone away with her skills. well, as much as you could when you were controlling a bunch of footballer's brands. 

she found her way to rebecca's office with the help of one of the staff. she knocked, waiting for the signal for her to enter. 

"hello, you must be rain?" rebecca greeted. 

it took everything in rain to not turn around and run away. the woman in front of her was gorgeous. she was tall and beautiful and had a phenomenal figure. jesus. rain was not expecting her to be the head of a football team. she faltered for a second before smiling and grasping her outstretched hand as she strode across the room. 

"yes, nice to meet you ms welton."

"please. rebecca."

she gestured for her to sit. rain did.

rain nodded. she thought she might be a little bit in love with her boss already. the whole authority issue and bisexuality really predicted this. this woman exuded confidence. she loved it.

"thank you for coming in today. we've recently had a new coach start. ted lasso-"

"yeah. i saw his press conference on my way over here," rain recalled, trying not to laugh as she remembered him spitting sparkling water on a bunch of journalists. 

rebecca nodded, "yes. well, that's sort of what you'll be doing, making things like that seem less..."

"embarrassing?" rain finished. 

"that's one word for it," rebecca responded. 

rain smiled, "i found the best way to deal with things like that is to go with the joke, own it until people find it boring."

rebecca plastered a smile on her lips, "i think you'll do brilliantly here, rain."


"shall we introduce you to the team?" rebecca suggested, although it wasn't really a question. rain knew she wasn't going to get out of meeting them then and there, so she nodded and followed rebecca downstairs. "the new coach left just after the conference to meet them, so you should get to meet him as well."


rain had beaten the team into the locker room. rebecca ushered her in with a quick goodbye and a promise to email over details and her schedule as soon as she was back in her office. rain smiled at the two men in front of her, putting on her usual bubbly facade. 

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