thirty-one - bantr date(s)

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rain let keeley nurse her movie night hangover in her office while she went down to see the coaches with a branding opportunity

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rain let keeley nurse her movie night hangover in her office while she went down to see the coaches with a branding opportunity. she walked in, seeing roy and beard staring at each other.

she glanced between them, knocking gently on the door, "hi, guys." both of them nodded at her. "so, we actually have a fun new branding opportunity for a coach, it's only one public appearance and it's decent money, it would be really good for the club. would either one of you want to help me out by being a spokesperson for this-" she cut herself off. "i don't know why i came to either of you at all. fuck you both." she walked out.

"i respect that we didn't have to say a word," beard spoke up. 

roy nodded, "she gets us."

she bumped into nate on the way out, who seemed to have cheered up. she decided to leave his previous issues behind them as she hoped he had learnt his lesson. 

"alright, nate? want to be a spokesperson for a new brand?" she offered.

he paused, shocked she had spoken to him, "oh- yeah, sure. thanks, rain. and i'm really so-"

"leave it at the thanks, nate. i'm giving you one more chance, enjoy your day, keeley will give you the details later."

she walked off, hoping that nate was back to the kitman they'd all grown to love the season before. 


rain squealed in delight when sam came into her office, still on the phone with his dad so they could both tell her the news that cerithium oil had been ordered to stop operating in nigeria.

"that's amazing, sammy!" she yelled. "sorry, too loud. mr obisanya you must be so proud of your son. he did this."

"ola, rain. it's ola."

"sorry, ola. i'm so proud of you sammy, you're a trailblazer," she complimented. 

sam gave her a hug, "thank you, raindrop."


rain had a feeling the only reason she had functioned before lunch was because she was still slightly drunk as she was squinting at her light only a few hours later. she took a painkiller and chugged some water before she went to rebecca's office with a recovered keeley. 

she was sat, scrolling on her phone for some social media inspiration when keeley spoke up, "i haven't found a term i like yet for when i tell people i'm taking a shit. what do you use?"

rain shrugged, "i don't say anything. i can't shit in public so i only shit in my house. one time i went three days without shitting, it was like an orgasm for my bum when i finally did shit."

keeley nodded at her words. 

"okay... i tend to use i need to reapply my lip liner. men don't know what it means and women understand it requires time and focus," rebecca told. 

rebecca's phone then dinged. she gasped and shoved the screen in front of rain and keeley who were lying either side of her, cuddled up to the woman. it was from the mystery bantr man. he'd messaged her again, this time with a time and place to meet. 

"say fucking yes," keeley exclaimed. 

rebecca took her advice, agreeing to the date. 


what do you mean isaac gave you a haircut and you didn't let me know
you traitor
i am so annoyed with you rn!!!!!!!!!!!
but also enjoy you're date sammy
(jamie told me you have one)
love you
not as much as before you didn't invite me to the haircut

i'm sorry it all happened so fast i forgot to tell you
but thank you!!!

isaac is an artist with the clippers
and you forgot to invite me
it's like watching leonardo da vinci paint the mona lisa
but like seriously have fun on your date and stop texting me


after a quick face time call with rebecca about her date, rain went back to cooking dinner for herself and skye. 

"holy shit," she yelled out, spoon clattering to the ground. 

skye rushed in, "are you dead?"

she showed skye her phone, which showed that rebecca and sam were in the same place.

"what's that mean?" skye questioned. 

she rolled her eyes, "sam and rebecca are both on bantr dates in the same place. they've been chatting up each other."

"no way."

"yes but you can't say anything because she hasn't even told me and keeley. i just put the pieces together," she informed. "this is crazy. i wonder if they'll go through with it."

skye shrugged, "maybe."

rain picked up the wooden spoon, "have you finished your homework?"


"good, 'cause dinner is ready."

rainyday just posted to their story

she a chef

a/n okay so there is a reason i'm updating so much and it's bc i am desperate to get rain and jamie together and it is happening soon (spoiler)

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a/n okay so there is a reason i'm updating so much and it's bc i am desperate to get rain and jamie together and it is happening soon (spoiler). anyway enjoy another update!!! bc this one is so short the next chapter will probs be out tomorrow morning/early afternoon. (unedited)

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