thirty-eight - locker room chaos

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trent crimm was going to be writing a book about the team

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trent crimm was going to be writing a book about the team. against the wishes of everyone else. rain didn't mind that much, but she went along with the others because she trusted what they said. ted didn't. he agreed. 

plus zava was leaving his team and wanted to play in the premier league. the man went through teams like rebecca went through manicurists.

"rebecca, you have to get him. he'd be amazing for the team and for the brand. he's got like 90 million followers. a better brand means more sponsors, more seats filled, more supporters, more-"

rebecca cut rain off, "you're going red. breathe."

"right, sorry."

(the fact that rupert was going to try and get zava was what swayed rebecca, which all of them knew it would). 

"i love your pettiness," rain muttered.


the news that keeley and roy had broken up spread like wildfire through the team, which confused rain as she hadn't even told jamie that it had happened. 

"how the fuck have you guys found out about that?" rain asked as they bombarded her with questions.

"so, it's true, yeah?" isaac questioned. 

"if it is or isn't, which i'm not confirming, it's not your business and i am gonna keep talking until i confuse you enough because i don't wanna die at the hands of roy and keeley is my best friend and isaac i can't get you an all shoes deal but i did get you a deal with a shoe brand. shoes is too broad and they compete too much for all of them to do a deal with you."

"you did?"

"yeah. i'm good at my fucking job," she finished. 


the room erupted again as they realised rain's tactic had worked.

"take it back," sam exclaimed. 

ted walked out, asking what was happening, only to reveal they might be getting zava. and then about trent crimm writing a book about afc richmond. 

"roy and keeley broke up," jan maas revealed. 

coach beard let out a scream before ted fell down, beard catching him and jamie reaching out to help, only seconds later did roy walk in, quickly dissecting the mood in the room as people awed at the sight of him.

"tartt," he yelled out storming towards the man. "i'm gonna fucking kill you."

rain moved quickly towards jamie, putting herself in front of him. there was no way roy would go through with anything with rain even slightly in the line of fire. luckily, everyone else was holding him back. or at least trying to.

jamie stepped beside rain, "no, i came in and they was talking about us getting zava." when he dropped his hand, he subconsciously grabbed onto rain's. neither of them realising what they were doing.

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