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rain's week was a rollercoaster

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rain's week was a rollercoaster. sam got pissed off because he thought jamie was coming back, only to realise he was wrong and ted had told jamie no. the poor man was unaware of how ted was torn over his decision. 

the weekend was pretty chilled out for her. she invited sam to her house, letting him meet skye for the first time. the girl was instantly comfortable around the football player, which rain was glad about. they had piled the coffee table with snacks to watch roy as a sports pundet for the first time.  

sam knew that roy was one of rain's best friends and he knew how important his first appearance was to her and to him, so he bought her favourite snacks and arrived early so he didn't miss anything. 

and rain thought roy was brilliant. he was brutally honest and everyone knew it was going to go down amazingly with fans. she smiled as he went on about how badly chelsea had played. 

"he's swearing a lot for daytime tv," sam spoke. 

rain shrugged, "i think it's great."

skye rolled her eyes, "you would. you're biased."

"maybe, but the fans love him," she told, flipping her phone round so they could see the responses. 


despite a calm weekend, the following week began the chaos all over again.

she had a meeting with keeley, rebecca and higgins about their sponsorship with dubai air. they wanted to do a photoshoot and they had asked for sam out of all of the players. rain was ecstatic that sam was finally getting the attention he deserved and couldn't wait.

her mood quickly shifted when she remembered she had to join training and get some more shots. she wrapped herself up, knowing she was going to be freezing. she was terrible with the cold unless she was drunk. 

so she set her stuff up and began, jogging on the spot to keep herself warm when she wasn't snapping pictures. 

she loved autumn and winter but she loved it from indoors with a hot drink and a book and cute pictures. she didn't love it from training.

"fuck it's cold," she shrieked, jumping.

sam heard this and jogged over to her, pulling into a hug. he held her tight, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. 

"thank you, pretty," she hummed. her attention was quickly taken away from sam, however, when she saw a familiar figure emerge onto the field.

jamie fucking tartt was back. 

a rollercoaster.

"oh shit," she muttered. she glanced at the man hugging her, to see he was less than happy. "you okay?"

she knew her and jamie were friends but she couldn't overlook how his return was bound to make sam feel. she was first and foremost sam's friend, then jamie's. so, even though she gave jamie the push in ted's direction, she was going to make sure he was not the same asshole to sam as he was before. 


she could see he wasn't. he was staring at ted and she knew he was feeling betrayed after ted told him jamie was turned away. 

the truth was, though, jamie tartt may be the person they need to end their tie streak. they needed that extra push and jamie could be that.

"c'mon, i'm freezing my tits off," she told. "i bet, i can beat you in a run. around the pitch."

"what?" sam exclaimed, attention now on her as she placed her equipment down. "no you can't."

"are you sure, because-" she stopped talking, taking off around the field. 

"that's cheating," sam yelled as he began after her. 

the thing about rain was, although she didn't look it, she was a relatively sporty person. she could run. she started running when she first left her parents' house. she wanted to take her mind off of everything and she found running was the best way to do it.

plus, it got her out of her flat when her ex was at his worst. and even though he accused her of a lot, he stopped when she downloaded apps that recorded her route. so, she was allowed to run.

sam was trying to catch up to her as she continued to sprint, not looking back. 

she reached the end, cheering.

"she crosses the finish line," she yelled, cupping her hands around her mouth. "she's done it. she's won olympic gold. this is rain perez's first medal. what a triumph."

sam stopped next to her, "how are you so fast?"

she shrugged, "i run." she smiled. "how are you now?"

"annoyed you beat me," he quipped. "you should take up a sport."


"thank you for trying to make me feel better," he spoke. "you are a good friend."

rain felt a wave of guilt over the fact she had told jamie to talk to ted about coming back. she was the catalyst. still, she smiled and tried to push away the feeling eating away at her. she knew that really, he would have found ted and asked anyway, she just sped up the process. she had no reason to feel bad unless jamie became an asshole again. she doubted he would, lust conquers all and being dropped by man city humbled him too much. at least she hoped. 

"anything to see that gorgeous smile of yours, sammy."

rainyday just posted

rainyday: samobisanya refused to smile for the picture when i beat him in a race, not my fault i'm just more talented at sports

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rainyday: samobisanya refused to smile for the picture when i beat him in a race, not my fault i'm just more talented at sports

samobisanya: you cheated
rainyday: how dare you say such a thing, i would never
samobisanya: you started before me
rainyday: but i beat you by miles
rainyday: just admit it!! i'm a better footballer than you
samobisanya: you beat me in a race not at a game
rainyday: eh it probably translates, i got quick feet

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