forty-two - ola's

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rebecca had gone to a psychic and rain felt so much better because the vision she had of the whole thing was ridiculous

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rebecca had gone to a psychic and rain felt so much better because the vision she had of the whole thing was ridiculous. rain had superstitions and she was sure that there were some legit psychic's out there but she somehow doubted the woman that rebecca's mum went to. 

"ah, you've made my day rebecca, thank you," she laughed. "anyone else and i wouldn't bat an eye but you... that's a sight. can i come to the next session?" 

rebecca rolled her eyes, rain's laughter making the whole thing seem more bareable, "no, because i won't be going back. and i only told you to make you feel better."

"well, you succeeded. thank you for your makeup, i texted keeley to talk to the boys about the interviews so i have a bit of spare time," she told. "i think shandy is here too, so that'll be interesting."

"she sure is a character," rebecca agreed. 

rain nodded, "she seems fun. i just hope she gets the job a bit better than she has been."


the first match with zava went amazingly. 

but the guy was not a team player. that was overlooked by pretty much everyone when he scored a goal within the first thirty seconds of the match from the halfway line. 

rain was having a great time on the sidelines with jamie in his kit. he always pulled his shirt forward, giving her a full view of his ass in the shorts. and she knew he did it on purpose after she said it looked good during training one day. 

every match after that saw the same thing. zava scoring all the goals, even at some points stealing the goals from jamie. but they had won six matches and were third in the league table.

the team, bar jamie, were really taking to zava. rain had walked into the training room to the whole team meditating with him. 

"not a bad idea," she complimented as jamie turned around and walked out, rolling his eyes. "babe?"


keeley had been helping with pr a lot more, meaning rain and shandy were becoming quick friends. she was not shy about what she said and rain didn't mind it. she wouldn't go out of her way to invite her to her birthday or anything but the pair were friendly. shandy spoke and rain listened. 

it also meant that roy was seeing a lot more of keeley happy and moving on. 

rain loved to see it. roy needed to come to his senses and realise dumping keeley was a huge mistake.

but while the others were happy, jamie was less than. and rain could see it. he wasn't used to not being the best and it was showing. 

she hoped that a trip to sam's restaurant would make him feel better. 

rain was putting her earrings in while jamie watched her. he moved towards her, kissing the top of her head. 

it had been weeks since she saw oscar, and she hadn't seen him since. she was hyperaware, however, that he was somewhere and that no matter how hard she tried she couldn't truly escape him. 

and she was in the midst of trying to get a restraining order but with only a few pictures over the years showing glimpses of what he did, it was proving as hard as she thought it would be. but rebecca insisted. and so did keeley when she was filled in. 

so, she was still on edge, which jamie could tell by the way her smile didn't reach her eyes. his lips trailed down to her neck, kissing it gently, just above her necklace. 

"we gotta go jamie, don't start anything," she warned as her eyes fluttered under his touch. 

he hummed, "i'm not doing anything, babe."

"sure." she faced upwards, him looking down at her. "i'm loving the earrings, very hot."


rain pushed jamie aside when she saw sassy enter the restaurant. 

"sassy," she yelled, pulling her into a hug. 

"rain, how are you, you beautiful, small woman?" she responded, hugging her back. 

she smiled, "i'm good. how are you, sass, you tall, elegant woman?"

"good! i see you came in with someone. are you finally dating jamie? please say yes. i couldn't put up with longing stares at the funeral."

she nodded, "please, i don't stare longingly. but yeah we're dating."

"oh my god. how is he? is he big? is he good? does he treat you well?" she asked. 

rain glanced towards the cheering, seeing zava enter, her eyes wandered to a sulking jamie, "good. yes. fucking transcendent. and yes."

the women around her shrieked. 

"i've never had so many orgasms in my life," she admitted. "and he's so sweet."

sassy noticed ted before excusing herself. then rain watched shandy approach jamie. she turned away. at the same time, keeley was watching roy and rebecca was watching sam.

"oi, there are better things ahead than any we leave behind," keeley told, lifting her glass. rebecca and keeley cheers-ed. "you too rain. you left behind that wank stain ex."

rain cheers-ed her glass as well, "yeah. i hope i fucking did. and you two have nothing but amazing things ahead of you."

"restraining orders take time but it'll go through, i'm manifesting it for you," keeley assured. 

"thanks. shandy is hitting on jamie, isn't she?"

keeley nodded, "most definitely but he looks uninterested."

"i'm not worried. he keeps telling me he loves me," she revealed. 

keeley gasped, "wait, what? why didn't you say anything?"

"i haven't said it back..."

"you say it on your own terms," keeley assured. "jamie knows what you've been through. he may not have been a good boyfriend with me but he is with you. i can see it and i love it!"

rain smiled, wanting to change the subject, "how about tequila?"

"i like the way you think," rebecca agreed, ordering a round. 


jamie was letting rain lean on him as they walked home. she was tipsy and was trying to cheer jamie up. she didn't realise that just being beside him helped.

"west african cuisine fucking slaps," she spoke. "i wanna hire the chefs to make me food every day."

"roy threw mine at a wall," jamie admitted.

rain frowned, her gaze falling slightly behind jamie to see colin and a guy kissing in the alley beside them, she quickly glanced back to jamie, not wanting him to see. if colin felt he needed to keep it a secret, she wasn't about to out him. she grabbed jamie's hand, pulling him along and past the two men. 

"why?" she asked, keeping her voice low.

"he's gonna train me so i can be as good as zava."

rain smiled sadly, "jamie, you're great the way you are-"

"i wanna be better."

 rain could understand that, "okay. if you're sure but if this extra training starts to go bad-"

"it'll be fine, babe."

she kissed his lips gently, "okay."

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