seventeen - i've got murder on my mind

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tw - mentions of abuse

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tw - mentions of abuse

murder was illegal. rain knew that but god did she want to stab rupert seventy-something times, each one for every year he cursed the earth with his existence. rebecca had had a surprise visit from him and he had told her that bex was pregnant. 

it didn't take a genius to know rebecca was upset. 

and despite the fact she had hired rain for nothing more than her looks, had sabotaged ted, had transferred jamie back to man city, rain was still ready to defend her, fiercely and loudly. 

she was still her friend.

everything she had done to rain was before they had known each other. 

so, rain, try as she might, was going to move on.


maybe it took rebecca longer than it should have for the seriousness of rain's previous relationship to truly hit her, but she couldn't stop thinking about it the second it had. she had been so preoccupied with having to tell ted and rupert's new fiance being pregnant that she didn't realise rain was in such a bad situation before richmond. 

plus higgin's quitting and her trying to get him back was another thing clouding her mind. 

but once she got him back, she was marching to rain's office, determined to ensure that she was actually alright. screw the fact she'd told her she was okay during the sacrifice bonfire, rebecca was fucking worried about the girl. 

"what do you mean you could have died?" rebecca demanded.

rain jumped, slamming her laptop that had been playing the kardashian's shut, "jesus, what are you on about?"

"before when i said i hired you for the wrong reasons you said you could have died, what the fuck does that mean?"

rain took a second, "i'm going to assume the anger isn't aimed at me and calmly say that i was a few of his bad days away from him picking up something slightly heavier or going slightly further. he was escalating, it was barely noticeable and then it was."

"fuck, rain," rebecca sighed. 

rain frowned, "hey, rebecca, i'm okay. i've healed, there's no scars or anything. just mental ones i guess. but i'm okay. don't worry about me, babes."

rebecca took a seat, sighing once more, "but i do, rain. i do worry. i worry because women are more at risk after they break up with an abusive partner and your location isn't exactly secret."

rain shook her head, "i know i'm in danger but my house has an alarm, i always check my surroundings, i walk around with one of those travel-sized hairspray cans, and i'm careful, rebecca. i'm a public figure, my location will always be easy to find."

"please be careful rain," rebecca pleaded. "and if you go back to him, i will drag you screaming back here."

"i'm not going back."

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