thirty-three - funeral confessions

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rebecca's dad had died

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rebecca's dad had died. and skye and rain were invited to the funeral. rain had found out through a very brief three way phone call with rebecca and keeley.

rain had moved to get ready for the day after the phone call, reentering the living room to skye sitting there, staring at the framed image of the three sisters. 

rain frowned, "skye?" skye didn't move. "you alright."

"i miss her so much," skye whispered, voice cracking. rain moved to see that she was crying. "and i know it's shitty to turn this around on me when rebecca's dad's just died but i've been thinking about her since i left mum and dad's and i'm weeks from eighteen and she isn't here."

"i miss her too. she'd know what to do so much better than i do," rain admitted. "i feel like i'm floundering. she always knew what to do."

skye stood up, wiping her eyes, "i think you're doing great." she placed the picture back where she'd gotten it from. "can we celebrate her birthday this year?"

"i always do."


the news of rebecca's fathers death had been spread around afc richmond as rain and keeley joined the coaches in their office. 

"so, where'd you think her father is right now?" keeley questioned breaking the silence.

"in the drawer of a funeral home," roy answered.

rain spoke at the same time, "his spirit is roaming around probably."

keeley elbowed him, "no, i mean like spiritually. and thank you rain for answering it properly."

roy repeated his answer. 

ted leaned forward, placing his arms on his desk, "you know growing up i used to believe if you did good things you went to heaven, if you did bad things you went to hell. nowadays, i know we all just do both so wherever he is, i hope he's happy."

"i like to imagine a heaven where animals are in charge and humans are the pets," higgins began. keeley and rain laughed quietly. "i'd like to spend eternity curled up by the fire at cindy clawford's feet."

"i'd like to be reincarnated as a tiger," nate told. "and then ravage anyone who looked at me wrong."

the man prior to this had apologised to will when rain was present and had tried to rebuild some of the bridges he had burnt. he could see that rain was not going back to the way she was around him before but he was glad they were on decent terms. he didn't know what he would do if the woman hated him. she was scary when she was angry. 

"did you know if you weigh a person's body right after death it's 21.3 grams lighter and some say that's the weight of the soul," beard informed. 

"or all the shit and piss that comes out of them," rain voiced. 

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