forty-six - total football

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rain was finally alone with colin after keeping what she had seen to herself for what felt like forever

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rain was finally alone with colin after keeping what she had seen to herself for what felt like forever. there was no way she was going to tell anyone else, but she knew colin deserved to know that she knew. 

"hey colin," she greeted. "how's everything."

he smiled at her, "good. everything okay with you?"

she nodded, sitting next to him, "listen..."

"you sound serious. you never sound like this with me," he spoke. 

she grabbed his hand, "it's nothing bad but i was leaving ola's when we were all there for sam and i looked down this alley and i saw-"

"you saw me."

"with michael," she added. 


"i made sure jamie didn't see because who knows and when they know is your thing and i'm sorry i saw-"

he shook his head, "don't apologise, rain. you didn't mean to see."

"i just want you to know that i love you and i care about you and i care that you're gay but not in the bad way. i care because i care about you," she rambled. "you'd think i'd know what to say after skye came out to me."

he chuckled, "you're doing fine."

she laughed too, "so, how long have you and michael been a thing?"


the team were learning total football. a style of play invented by the dutch that rain knew little about but she listened in to beard's explanation and speech, earning her more knowledge about beard's mother and her vibrator than she ever needed to know. 

she respected displaying the vibrator proudly, but she did not need to know about his mother. 

they were learning total football to play arsenal that weekend. which was crazy in the eyes of everyone but ted and beard. 

training the next day meant that rain had to sort out three day passes for baz, jeremy and paul, three fans that hung out a mae's pub a lot. she handed the passes to the three excited men.

"do not take pictures, do not freak out and do not piss on the pitch. you think it's a weird rule but trust me, it's needed," she informed. 

baz nodded, "you're dating jamie tartt right?"

rain sighed, "and i run the club pr, any other questions that aren't to do with my love life?"

paul shook his, "no, thank you rain."

"follow me," she spoke, leading them to the stands.

she took a seat, watching training as roy yelled at the team, making them run the pitch over and over. he yelled whistle at them over and over as they began running. 

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