ten - a human puppy

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there was a new player starting at afc richmond and rain was asked to meet him with the other coaches and then have a one to one with him about making him comfortable on the team

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there was a new player starting at afc richmond and rain was asked to meet him with the other coaches and then have a one to one with him about making him comfortable on the team. she was starting to wonder what her job description really was with the amount she was doing. she loved it, despite the workload. she was just glad keeley had agreed to join and was starting that day. it meant they could split the workload and focus more on things like brand deals, which rain and keeley had made their first mission.

rain already had a potential brand deal lined up, she just needed keeley's insight and some finalising. 

she knocked on ted and beard's office door. 

"just a reminder you have dani rojas starting today. well, restarting cause of the whole injury thing," she informed. "he's getting treatment on his knee right now but he should be good to go."

the group stared at her. 

"oh god, what have i gotta solve now?"

"jamie can't play, cause he's hurt," beard told. 

"fucking bitch," she hissed, moving out of the way of ted as he marched into the changing room and finally confronted jamie, yelling at him about practice. 

rain almost cheered when he finally let him have it and then asked him set out the cones. she also got to witness a very amused roy who patted rain on the back as he passed. 

"well, you've just made his day," rain spoke, turning to jamie. "but seriously, a fake injury?"

jamie tried to defend himself but rain had already left, making her way to the pitch. 

it wasn't long before their new start was running onto the field, singing his name to the tune of 'give it up' by kc and the sunshine band. he ran in circles. 

"he's like a puppy," rain voiced. "a human puppy."

he circled back round to them. 

"hey, hello, coaches and rain," he greeted, already knowing the woman from a very brief interaction that only let her introduce herself. he shook their hands as he spoke. "thank you for the opportunity."

"yeah. you are a spirited fella, dani," ted voiced. "just go on out there, and get the striker spot for us, okay?" he instructed. 

"yes! just like back in guadalajara, you say it, i do it, coach," he exclaimed. he backed away. "football is life!"

"oh, i like him," nate told.

dani went around, high fiving his team mates. jamie flinched away. 

"jamie doesn't," coach beard replied. 

they watched dani do some impressive moves before he scored. 

"i love him, he's so cheery, and he's mexican," rain added.

ted raised his brows, "are you mexican? can i ask that?"

rain laughed, "yes i am and yes you can. my family's from michoacán, it's a few hours away from guadalajara. anyway, keeley's starting today, so i'm off. let dani know to find me after training, i'll be in my office."


rain and keeley marched into rebecca's office, both equally excited that keeley was finally starting her job at afc richmond. keeley had done extensive research on all the players and bought new stationary for the job. 

"hi," keeley greeted. "i've been up all night doing deep dives on all the players. did you know that richard was raised on a goat farm? and that isaac's mother has two left hands?" rebecca hummed in response. "and i called a couple of contacts about some sponsorship opportunities. even got myself a little work planner."

keeley showed the cover of her new notebook that she had taken ages to choose, rain knew because she was with her and had to help her decide between the one that said 'my adventures as a unicorn' and the one covered in pink glitter. rain had gone for the latter. 

rain smiled, holding up her new notebook, "i got myself a new one because why not."

"you couldn't get one without the word 'unicorn' written on it? or one not covered in glitter?" rebecca sought. 

"fuck off. it's adorable," keeley argued. 

"yeah, they're fucking cute," rain added. 

rebecca smiled at the women. 

higgins let out a quiet 'oh' at their response, "sorry, i couldn't help but think how you'd react if i told you to f off."

rebecca laughed, before higgins joined, when rebecca's face dropped, she spoke again, "that'll be all, higgins."

"of course."

"we're really glad to see that you're laughing," keeley told. "we just came by to see if you're okay, really."

rebecca frowned, "why wouldn't i be?"

rain's eyes widened, "oh shit. have you not seen the news yet? fuck. we really wanted to be the ones to comfort you, not break the news to you."

the two women sat opposite rebecca. 

"so, you remember that stunning girl, bex?" keeley began. "the one that rupert left with the night of the gala?"

rebecca's lips were turned down into a frown as she shook her head and feigned ignorance.

"do you really want me to pretend that she wasn't mad fit?" keeley exclaimed. 

"i'd appreciate it."

"okay, well. that hideous cow, whose name's bex, which is actually short for..." keeley trailed off. 

"rebecca," rebecca finished. 

"yep, which is also your name, as you know. so the press is calling her-"

"'new rebecca', shit."

rain shook her head, "nope. the press is calling her 'rebecca' and you're-" rain muttered her next words, causing rebecca to question what she had said. she sighed, plucking up the courage to utter the next words louder. "'old rebecca.'"

"old rebecca?" 

rain nodded, sadly, "which is total bullshit, if anyone should be called old it's rupert, he's like ancient looking and you're this powerful fucking gorgeous, intelligent woman. the press is sexist as shit. you know that." she paused. "you've got this."

"and if you ever have a moment, or if you don't got this, then you just call us, right?" keeley told. 

rebecca smiled, not saying anything. everyone in that room knew it was fake, but said nothing about it.

afcrichmond tweeted

afcrichmond: welcome to danirojas our newest team member!

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