sixteen - admission of guilt

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tw - mentions of abuse

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tw - mentions of abuse

honesty was the foundation for any relationship that someone wanted to work. it was important. however, it could be the reason a relationship never truly began.

and that was the case for keeley. she had been honest with roy about her very recent hookup with jamie and he had not been happy about it at all. he had left without a word, too angry to say anything. 

rain couldn't do anything but comfort her and tell her what an idiot roy was being. which he was and she would happily say it to the grumpy prick's face.


despite keeley's predicament, the pair had to continue with their interviews with the players. dani was next, who had wanted to get into business with joy.

"si," dani confirmed when they questioned him. "mucho, mucho joy."

"i don't know if i can get you paid for that though, dani," keeley informed. 

"i like to give away joy for free."

rain shook her head at keeley, silently telling her that she had it from there, "que hermoso, dani. nosotros pensaremos en algo."

"gracias, rain. no me importa si ellos me pagan," he repeated. 

"entiendo. puedes irte ahora," she finished. she spotted roy coming through the door once more and decided to take her leave once again. "c'mon dani."

"hey," dani greeted, placing his hands on roy's shoulders. "fútbol is life, capitán." 


rain took back every insult she had aimed towards roy in her head when he had acted the way he did towards keeley. he had redeemed himself as he had told her he was over it and liked her a lot more than he hated him. so, rain silently apologised to whatever higher power that was listening about what she had said. 

they were going on a date. and rain was so happy that keeley was happy. 

she, however, was feeling more lonely than she had before. she had been in a relationship almost her entire life. she knew nothing outside being with someone, even if that someone was horrible to her. even if that someone destroyed her entire being until she wanted to die. she knew nothing else. 

but she needed to embrace being without a partner because for the first time in three years she wasn't scared for her life. she was comfortable. she was safe. she was okay.

so, she instead decided to take herself to the local animal shelter, look at the dogs and the cats, mentally argue with herself over whether she should get one or not before she decided that she would, just not that day.

then she went home and she uploaded her latest youtube video. 

grwm for work (update on my life)

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