thirty-nine - zava

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(smut warning)

"hey will, how's it going?" rain greeted as she entered the boot room.

"it's going. i just went through a break up, so..."

rain nodded, "jamie told me about that. i actually got you this." she pulled a small bag from behind her back. "it's a self-care kit."

"korean face masks!" he exclaimed. 

rain shrugged, "you said it helps your skin. oh and-"

"chick flick box set," he exclaimed again. 

"you know what a dvd is but not a cd?" she questioned, tilting her head. 

"of course."

"you're a gem, will," she complimented. 


rain looked up as trent knocked at her door. 

"oh, hey trent! how's it going?" she asked.

he smiled, walking in, taking a seat across from her, "why are you talking to me?"

"because roy doesn't scare me. and everyone deserves a second chance. well most people," she explained. 

"so, you and jamie?" 


"when did that happen? how did that happen?" he questioned. 

rain tilted her head, "is this for the book?" 

"do you want it to be?"

"do i want my story to be tied to a man?" she retorted. "not particularly."

"right. right. how about why you joined richmond?" 

rain grimaced, "yeah, i'm not letting that into the book either." she sighed. "look trent. the book is about the team, not me. wait it out. and maybe talk to roy? things will work a lot quicker with him on your side."

trent stood up, sensing she wanted him to leave, "thanks rain. for talking to me."

"i'm here for a chat. but only a chat, right?"



zava was at the chelsea v richmond match. rain watched as he blew kisses at the crowd. she sighed. she knew he was an amazing player, but god he was like jamie two years ago but worse. at least jamie knew he was a prick back then. 

"i really love these new away kits," rain announced as the first half came to an end. "the orange is cute."

"rain! we're losing!" roy exclaimed. 

she nodded, "yep. but rebecca's gonna get zava. trust me. because rupert wants him too."


she smiled, "trust me. she'll do anything to destroy that wank stain. and i fully support it."

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