fifteen - hookups from hell

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rain was bombarded by keeley the second she stepped into the hotel room in the very early hours of the morning

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rain was bombarded by keeley the second she stepped into the hotel room in the very early hours of the morning. she had decided to leave the bar slightly earlier than the others, slipping out with a quick goodbye and a reassurance she was okay and safe and would message them. what they didn't know was that she had slipped out with some random man, who, drunk rain, and sober rain, considered hot as fuck.

but again, they didn't know that and they didn't need to know.

keeley, however, would. after she ranted about her own night.

she leant up by rain's face, "how's my breath?"

"sweet, like all the cocktails you drunk. it's not bad," rain assured. "have you not brushed your teeth?"

"no, i needed your opinion and rebecca's got a male friend in the other room."

"male friend? what are you, ninety?" rain giggled, still slightly drunk from the night before. "your breath is fine."

"right, so why did roy kiss me and then walk off?" she demanded.

rain stopped, "he what? that dumb shit."

"i know right. i'm a banging kisser, you know this," keeley exclaimed, following rain into her room.

"yeah, you're lips are so soft. and you like don't go too fast or hard, you're like goldilocks, the perfect in-between," she complimented, pulling her heels off and dumping them haphazardly at the door. "roy's a man and men are stupid. he probably got scared 'cause you're this crazy confident, super hot, amazing kisser and he's a grumpy, hairy, football player," rain comforted.

keeley nodded, seemingly satisfied with her answer.

"so, where have you been? the others got back a couple hours ago."

rain shrugged, "someone's house."

"was the sex good?"

"mediocre, but he did have a dog," she informed. "and pop tarts." she began rummaging through her handbag, pulling out a full box of pop tarts. "want one?"

keeley shook her head, "maybe in the morning, right now i want sleep and then a full debrief when i'm up and you're not hanging."

"deal. right now i need a shower and a fat sleep."

"love you."

"love you too."


as promised, rain gave a full debrief on her sexual endeavours from the night before, after she heard all about rebecca's with the hot waiter and even about sassy's with ted.

she did receive a bit of a scolding when she mentioned she left as soon as she was done. she did argue that it was just what she did, or felt like doing.

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