forty - zava's a twat

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trigger warning for mentions of abuse and emotional abuse - no details are given, it's just how it affects her life still

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trigger warning for mentions of abuse and emotional abuse - no details are given, it's just how it affects her life still

"he's a fragile little bitch," roy said as rain walked in. 

"who is?" 


rain saw those around her flinch.

"yeah, he is," she agreed. "he knows, don't worry. he has a very fragile ego."

"oh wow, i wasn't expecting you to agree," ted spoke up. 

she shrugged, "who'd you think makes him feel better? me. anyway, i gotta go, zava's showing up soon and i gotta get higgins his diarrhoea tablets. don't put that in the book."

"i've never been clear on the spelling so i probably won't," trent replied. 

beard proceeded to spell the word, "in england you have a silent 'o' as in 'oh no, you've got diarrhoea'."

the english accent he put on made rain snort, "nice. see ya."

she walked out, leaving them to a discussion on their favourite. julie andrews movies and characters. 

she noticed everyone standing around the welcome zava sign. the discussion was about men who transcended sexuality. 

"okay, you guys have convinced me, i'll have sex with zava," colin joked. 

rain snorted, "do you know who actually transcends sexuality? florence pugh but also i'm pan and women are perfect, so..."

the guys nodded, humming in agreement. jamie then walked in, noticing the welcome sign. 

he took off his sunglasses, "what the fuck is this?"

"oh, it was my idea. thought i'd help make him feel welcome, stroke his ego," rain told. she pecked him on the cheek, letting a hand run through his hair. "don't worry babe. now get changed."


zava was late and no one could get a hold of him. they were trying to keep the disgruntled press and fans happy, which was not an easy task. rain quickly put an apology on their social media, telling them they were trying to get everything back on track. 

"do you want me to take my top off and run across the pitch?" a voice asked. 

rain smiled, turning to the woman, "you must be shandy. nice to meet you. i'm rain."

"you're so cute. you're so much shorter in person," she spoke. "i love your vlogs. they're so calming. i learnt a smoky eye from you."

"that's great. i love your hair." she smiled once more. "would you go to concessions and start selling merch half price? with your shirt on."

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