fifty-five - drunk in love

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jamie stood silently beside rain as they stared at the gravestone

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jamie stood silently beside rain as they stared at the gravestone. skye was metres behind, scared to step any closer. rain let her stand, wanting to give her the space to finally walk up and sit by the grave. every year she got closer but not quite up to the grave.

jamie kept glancing back. 

rain stared at the grave in front of her, "she doesn't approach the grave. she's not there yet. it's okay, autumn knows she's there. skye pays her respects from a distance, nothing wrong with that."

"no, course not," he replied.

"this is autumn," rain introduced, gesturing to the grave. "she died a few years before i left home. autumn, this is jamie."

jamie held rain's hand, "hi autumn." there was a pause before rain let go of his hand, and moved forward, she knelt beside her gravestone, pressing her hand to the top, letting her head rest on it. jamie watched her closely.

"i miss you," she whispered. "so much." she closed her eyes, holding back the tears that threatened to spill. 

jamie felt like he should step away and give her more privacy but he couldn't bare to leave her alone like that, so he stepped towards her, placing his hand on her shoulder. 

she let out a shaky breath, the tears spilling. she let out a quiet cry. jamie moved to kneel next to her, making sure he wasn't stepping anywhere he shouldn't. he wrapped an arm around her, holding her while she cried.


afc richmond was on their way to winning the league, which went against almost every prediction at the beginning of the season. 

rain was ecstatic for them, happy that ted's last season as coach was going to end on such a high note, no matter what happened in their last match. they were still towards the top of the league board after only being promoted that season. 

her heart was filled with pride. she was so proud of her boys. it really helped to pull her out of the rut she had been in since she'd had a run-in with oscar, because fuck him, she was the pr manager to one of the top premier league teams and constantly surrounded by people she loved and who loved her.  

and the cherry on top of it all was that she was invited to sit in on locker room court as the scribe. she was sitting typing out the transcript on her laptop for reasons unknown to her. she was just happy to be a part of it all. isaac was clad in a judge's wig and will had called in the court session with a 'hear ye, hear ye' all for some outstanding fines amongst the team. 

"please remember that all fines will go towards funding our end-of-season party this sunday night at the restaurant," sam announced. 

there were cheers. 

"very well, bailiff, please bring forward the receptacle," isaac told. 

will pointed to the door, where nate was sat, "the assistant kitman has it."

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