thirty-six - ceo's and cover stars

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jamie and rain arrived at work at separate times, him having left her house after showering and kissing her goodbye

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jamie and rain arrived at work at separate times, him having left her house after showering and kissing her goodbye. 

rain stopped at the shop to get herself a pastry for breakfast and a coffee, seeing the headlines of all the newspapers. 

ted had had a panic attack at the tottenham match. 

rain had always suspected it was something more than food poisoning but she never wanted to speculate. she pulled out her phone, opening ted's contact. 

hey ted, i saw the news, wanted to check you're okay and say that you should ignore what they say
people have panic attacks, it's not some huge news
obvs a slow news day for them
could've reported on literally any of the gazillion issues going on in the world
but no, they chose the fact mental health is a thing??? and that you struggle with yours sometimes
like shocker a football coach is human
so not a slay on their part
but like dw, i'm fighting off a panic attack like 24/7
basically i'm trying to say i'm here if you need me
sorry for the rambling, i wasn't quite sure how to phrase it and now you have a chain of texts from me

ted(dy bear)
thanks rain
and i appreciate your text chains, most people wouldn't send multiple texts but you do
it gives me little glimpses into your brain and i have to say it's a fast and chaotic place

lol, that about sums it up
adhd baby


rain was becoming increasingly worried sam would actually leave and so was rebecca. especially since edwin sent her flowers for her loss... of sam. she even asked higgins if he knew what he was going to do. so, she was really grasping at straws.

"not a peep, and i'm tryna play it chill. so, whenever i see him in the hallway i just give him a cool nod," he informed before mimicking the nod to them. 

"oh shit that was cool," keeley exclaimed. 

"i know right. i saw it in a denzel washington movie and i thought 'i'm taking that'," he recalled before turning back to rebecca. "still, it's not looking great."

there was a knock on the door and ted entered with biscuits in his hand, greeting the group cheerfully. keeley apologised for the article and ted went on a small rant about no publicity being bad publicity. they went round until they realised ted was being very calm about the whole thing. 

"okay, no publicity until after the match then," rain advised. "and i will kill someone if it comes to it."

"thank you rain, that's very violent and very unnecessary."

rain shrugged and watched as rebecca almost spat out her biscuit. ted had accidentally swapped the salt and the sugar, but that didn't stop her, she continued to eat them.

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