forty-five - highs and lows

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richmond was playing man city, and as always rain was in the changing room beforehand

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richmond was playing man city, and as always rain was in the changing room beforehand. she waited in the office until everyone was decent before she exited, watching roy go around the room and fist bump everyone before he shook sam's hand, telling him to 'outclass them'.

rain reached sam, pinching his earlobe as she realised zava was nowhere to seen. 

"um, guys, where's zava?" she asked. 

roy eyed the chair as everyone shrugged. roy strode towards the office, the door slamming behind him.

"welp, colin, you'll probably be playing," rain announced, cheering. 


rain was right. when zava didn't show colin was put on the starting team. she cheered loudly for colin knowing the backlash he would get for not being zava.

but no matter how much she cheered, there were fans yelling at them louder than she was cheering when they lost. 

she wanted to be there for the team after finding out zava had retired but rebecca found her in her office, grabbing her things. 

rain frowned, noting her glassy eyes and slouch. rebecca never slouched but here she was with less than perfect posture. 

"rebecca, what's the matter?" rain asked. 

rebecca's face fell further, a tear escaping, "i just had some bad news."

rain held out her arms, "hug?"


rain pulled her into a tight hug, "do you wanna talk about it?"

and rebecca did. she explained how the psychic had told her she would be a mother. how she'd not believed it. she'd left angry because how dare she give her hope like that? but then there was the matchbook and the 'shite in ninning armour' and she'd thought for a second that she could have a child. 

but the tests said differently. 

she couldn't have children. not anymore. 

"oh rebecca," rain whispered, letting her cry. "i'm so sorry."

she pulled away, wiping her tears, "it was a long shot, i know but-"

"she gave you hope and that was cruel," rain finished. "but, hey, adoption is always an option."

rebecca smiled, "it is."


rebecca had wanted to be alone following her confession. rain respected that and told her to phone her no matter what. she'd be at her house in a heartbeat if she needed her. 

and so, she went to the changing room to find the players. they'd found out zava had retired, so she walked in in the middle of ted's speech to the team. he was trying his best to comfort them after the loss of both zava and the match.

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