thirteen - sassy

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sure, ted summoning rain was nothing new but when she got to his office and he actually seemed annoyed at something, she began to worry

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sure, ted summoning rain was nothing new but when she got to his office and he actually seemed annoyed at something, she began to worry. 

"man city recalled jamie," beard informed, after rain's worried questioning.

rain stopped, blinking slowly, "what?"

"he's gone, rain. i'm sorry. i know you and him were becoming close," ted spoke.

rain thought for a second, "he was just starting to grow. he- i'm sorry ted, i know how much this must be pissing you off." she smiled. "but don't worry about me ted, i'm fine. worry about the team, although i think morale might suddenly skyrocket."

ted smiled, despite his foul mood, "thanks, rain. i'm sorry you lost a friend."

she only shrugged, quickly excusing herself to her office. she threw herself straight into her work, ignoring the strange aching feeling in her chest that seemed to grow everytime she thought of her newest friend. 

if she could really even call him that.


a trip to liverpool with keeley and rebecca was bound to take rain's mind off of everything. 

it also helped that rebecca had a private jet they were taking, which was insane to the woman. she ignored the part of her screaming about how it was so not environmentally conscious of them. 

instead, she let keeley ramble to her on their way into the office, suitcases in hand. 

"woohoo, girls trip," keeley cheered as they entered rebecca's office.

"mmh, liverpool, here we come," rebecca responded, slamming her laptop shut. 

"and i just wanna say up front that i'm really flattered you asked me and rain to come this weekend," keeley told. 

rain nodded along. 

"oh come on now."

rebecca began packing up the last of her things. 

"but, hey, we're all single. i think you are both super hot. if i'm gonna dip my toe back into the lady pool, i can't think of a finer body of water to do it with than you both," keeley finished. 

rain almost laughed, realising what keeley was doing, she just smiled and nodded, "oh for sure. you are like the tallest, sexiest person i know."

rebecca stood up straight, holding up a finger, "no, keeley, rain, i think you're confused."

"oh, we were at first. then i was like, 'come on, keeley. blow off some steam and have some wicked sex with your new friend and rain'."

rebecca stared at them both, completely speechless. 

keeley's tone didn't change, "i'm fucking with you."

rain let herself laugh as rebecca let out relief-filled laughter. 

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