thirty-five - the talk

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(smut warning)

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(smut warning)

with skye at a friends house once again (which rain was very suspicious of and had a feeling was actually her girlfriend), jamie was able to visit rain and finally talk about the kiss they'd shared and the fact that he had told her he loved her. 

(and she had said she liked him back).

she was sat across from him on the sofa, holding a pillow to her body. she handed him one as well, which he took. 

"so..." he began.

she mimicked him, "so..."

"we kissed."




jamie paused as rain did the same, "you go first."

she nodded, "listen- i- i don't wanna like announce this right now. not because of you, i just- i want to feel this out first, you know? without people getting involved." she squeezed the cushion sightly. "also roy was actually gonna murder you for just saying you lo-liked me, i don't want him to kill you because we kissed."

jamie thought for a second, he should have expected rain to be so unsure about them. she'd been through hell in her first serious relationship, she didn't have the best examples. so, he nodded. he was going to wait until she was comfortable and sure of herself and their relationship before they said anything. 


she frowned, "really?" 

"yeah. i get it. you've had pretty shitty boyfriends before this," he told. 

rain smiled at the use of boyfriend but said nothing because it was way too early to give him that title.

"but like can i kiss you again?" jamie asked, moving forward. 

rain nodded and let him connect their lips once more in a kiss. this time she felt his hand trail down to her top, his thumb rubbing circles on the bare skin between the shirt and the waistband. 

rain let his hand wander upwards, slowly. when she didn't pull away, jamie continued. when he pulled her onto his lap, she felt him through his trousers. she almost laughed, of course he was as horny as keeley had said he was when they were together. it didn't take much for him to get hard.

"jamie," rain mumbled against his lips as she began to pull away. 

he pulled his hands away, apologising. 

"no. that was- i know skye is at her friends but we're currently in a shared space and i don't want her to come home for some reason and see this- this house needs to be one she can just walk into, sorry," she rambled. 

"why ya sorry?" 

"i don't know. i was- i don't know, i just know i wanna kiss you more-" she pecked his lips, her voice lowering as she pulled away. "and my room is just up those stairs."

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