twenty-four - protesting

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lying on the sofa in rain's office, skye was trying to decide what the sisters were going to have for lunch

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lying on the sofa in rain's office, skye was trying to decide what the sisters were going to have for lunch. 

rain was outside watching practice, seeing ted flip out at the team, yelling and screaming, like some jekyl and hyde situation. it was like he had a complete personality flip. 

she had gone from a meeting with nora and rebecca as they explained their poor financial situation and how they were paying their players too much for the money they were bringing in. 

it was also the meeting that made rain realised nora loved sam and the one where sam revealed he was pulling out of the dubai air campaign. the parent company (an oil company) was destroying nigeria's environment and trying to cover it up. 

he apologised to rain, who waved him off and assured him that the state of his countries environment came before her feelings and before some silly little campaign that they could definitely pull out of no problems. which was a total lie on her part but no way was she going to make him feel bad for standing up for what he believed in and was such an important cause. 

she had tried to push the whole situation to the back of her mind as she watch ted chat a lot of shit and very angrily. it was helping. she laughed quietly as she realised he was using reverse psychology or something to get them all to like jamie again. 

"this is definitely not going to work," she muttered. 

sharon, who was also watching practice turned to her, "i agree." there was a pause. "how are you rain? i haven't seen you in a while."

rain smiled, "stressed but working it all out. i've got a court date coming up, so i'm just making sure i have everything i need."

"my door is always open if you need to talk."

"thank you doctor fieldstone."


rain went back to her office and began trying to figure out another sponsor in place of dubai air because she knew there was no way they were going to let sam dropping out of the campaign go away just like that. they were going to kick up a fuss. and if they kicked up a fuss she needed someone to take over as the club sponsor. plus having the club associated with a company that was complicit in environmental destruction wasn't a good look and ethically not at all great.

there was knock at her door. she glanced up, still frowning.

"hey, jamie."

he smiled, "hi. what's wrong?"

"nothing," she dismissed. he held her gaze for a few more seconds and she caved. "actually, sam just quit the dubai air gig. so, i'm scrambling a lot," she admitted. 

"that's stupid of him."

"not really. he had a good reason and i don't blame him. i've just got to fix it."

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