twenty-nine - quarterfinal

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roy was great at coaching

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roy was great at coaching... everyone but jamie. he refused to coach the man and jamie had complained to rain on his way back in from training while she was trying to get to ted's office. she leant against the wall and listened before keeley cut the conversation short and ushered into the offce.

they were hoping ted would drive them back as both wanted to drink at the lunch. he agreed before taking a phone call about henry forgetting his lunch on a field trip. why he was still on the to contact list for something like that she would not understand, but he was. 

there was a knock on the open door, jamie was stood there, no trousers on, only a shirt, "hi again rain."

she'd never seen that much of his thigh and hadn't realised how hairy he was when he hadn't had a wax, "hey jamie. god your legs are hairy."

"so are yours! i just haven't waxed yet."

"i wasn't insulting you, nothing bad about hairy legs, it's cute. and besides, i shave."

"i can tell, your legs always look so smooth," he complimented. it was obvious the compliment hadn't meant to come out or at least he hadn't meant to say it in the way he had.

she raised a brow, "you look at my legs a lot, jamie?" she kicked her legs out in front of her, which happened to be out with her wearing a skirt that day. "how'd they look today?"

"wha- no- i- you gotta tell roy he's needs to start coaching me."

rain held back a laugh at his flustered state and how the others just joked about telling roy what to do instead of helping him.

"philistines!" he exclaimed. "i'm asking for help here."

ted only told him to 'woman up', and asked keeley what she would do, which was agree with everything he said. 

"shall we?" keeley finished, holding up her keys. 

"yep," rain spoke, pushing herself off the wall. "oh, jamie, babes, a philistine is someone who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts. did you mean to say that?"

"i think so."

"okay, good job then," she told, patting his back before she started to leave. "also thank you for saying my legs look smooth. it's what i was going for."

he nodded, "you're welcome."

"and your legs are hot," she called through the door as she followed keeley out.

because she had walked away, she didn't see the slightly smug look on jamie's face as he watched her walk away and he took in her compliment. he took his eyes off of her as she disappeared from sight before turning to beard, who was glaring at him, having seen him stare at rain.


"i can't believe you called roy a big dumb hairy baby twat," rain laughed as jamie sat down on her sofa, filling her in on everything. 

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