six - platonic dates

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the loading circle displayed on a laptop was less than entertaining to the social media star as she sat in ted and coach beard's office during half-time

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the loading circle displayed on a laptop was less than entertaining to the social media star as she sat in ted and coach beard's office during half-time. she used the break to clear her camera memory card and start anew for the second half. she realised after about one game that she took way too many photos, but better to have too many than not enough. it meant she could schedule quite a few posts. it just meant staring at a loading computer screen and not accidentally looking at someone shirtless, not that any of them minded. she had become fast friends with most of the team.

today, however, was proving to be a more interesting half time for rain. for once she was glad that the changing rooms were closer than her office. 

it was how she witnessed jamie being a dick to sam, which made her want to strangle him because sam was the sweetest person she had ever met. the pair were becoming quick friends and rain was a fiercly loyal person. there was no way she would let someone get away with being horrible to her friends. it was why she always subtly told keeley she needed a better boyfriend. 

roy beat her to the defence, when he pushed jamie back.

"right, that's it." jamie seemed to find the whole thing amusing. "oi, i'm done with you being a prick to everyone."

isaac let out an 'ooh' that almost made rain laugh as his face looked like pingu.

"so, either i beat up an old man or i let an old man beat me up," jamie spoke, stepping closer to roy. "fuck it. let's go."

rain watched as the touched foreheads. she realised how homoerotic the fight seemed as she didn't know if they were going to kiss or kill each other. she decided the latter would be more entertaining.

"fucking kill him," she cheered.

the fight was short-lived as ted broke it up with the help of some of the players.

"easy, easy, easy now," ted exclaimed. "coach, tell these boys what the first rule of my fight club is."

"no fight club," coach beard yelled.

"no fight club. okay? you understand? rain, that includes you. for the love of pistol pete, y'all. we still got a second half to play. now, please, sit down. everybody."

the fight soon restarted when jamie called roy old, more than once. rain cheered.

"i'll fucking kill you," roy bellowed.

"fucking do it roy," rain yelled over the chaos.

once the fight was stopped again, ted turned to rain.

"come on now. don't encourage them," he pleaded.

"sorry, ted. the fighting in sports is some of my favourite parts. you ever seen an ice hockey fight? it's brilliant," she shrugged.

it was after the match when she was making her way back to her office to grab her things, that she bumped into jamie. she muttered an apology, trying to move past him. he stepped in front of her.

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